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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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  • Sandtrap Motorsport
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hey guys, I cant post this in the WA section as a topic... but its the PerthFalcons december cruise


PERTH FALCONS December Cruise will be:

We're celabrating Chris' [WILS_88] birthday with his own Birthday Cruise please come along to celabrate also.

WHEN: 20th December 2008

MEET: Midland TAFE Carpark, Lloyd St Midland


TIME: 6pm Meet.

DEPART: 7pm Sharp.

Detailed maps will be printed and handed out on the night.

Ask staff about.

-Guy/Girls Perth Falcons Club shirts are now available.

See staff for details.

-Perth Falcons Stickers are available at the next cruise.

See staff for details.

Last attendance there was top quality cars. Attendance behaviour excellent.

Don't forget your UHF two-way for better communication.

Hope to see you all out.

Perth Falcons Staff


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  • Boost Addict
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Their cruises are too strict. One little power skid as you come on boost & they tell you to leave :bum:

Unlike other cruises being the complete opposite, youll get told your weak and to leave :P

sif your skids are anywere near "little" lol

Double Demerits anyway CBF

Edited by djkice
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  • 12" member
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Their cruises are too strict. One little power skid as you come on boost & they tell you to leave :bum:

ROFL yeh 409 rear wheelers may cause a slight chirp on occasion im sure mwahaha..

as for CBF today, same same !!! started at 6am, done about 25 mins of real work.. spent the rest on youtube looking at great white vids, then giant squid vids, then fight vids, then crash vids then owned vids.. pretty average day really haha..

oh and looking at the nice tasty eastern states phoons for 60 on the road haha.. that sensation colour looks all right in the pics.. really cant decide what to do with mine, keep and spend coin on, sell for G6ET with LSD or new phoon.. prolly best waiting til 09 anywya so the 08's are a year old haha

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  • Sandtrap Motorsport
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Their cruises are too strict. One little power skid as you come on boost & they tell you to leave :bum:

ive never had an issue with being told to leave, or told off.

haha. and im of course not a hoon.

never mind the hand brakeys and rear wheel steering I was doing at the last 'PF attended event' at all ford day haha.

mandurah foreshore reserve wont be the same again

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Dont know if I'd risk cruisin with some of you lot while its double demerits...

Definately be running the gauntlet.

Nang - Cant wait for that invite mate! lol.

Iv definately had that CBF'd attitude for the last month now. Dec is always pretty quiet in recruitment. No one wants to hire comin into xmas break.

Probably why my posts have shot through the roof!

Edited by Dirty32
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CBF; same same. I've been at work every day bar two since I got back from my last stint but it has been really easy stuff like calling people, organising their track access courses (recruiting for an urban railway job in January - had 200 + phone calls, farken recession) and running personal errands, still invoicing the client for 10 hours each day although I literally do about an hour of work, apart from Tuesday & Wednesday were I actually had to drive to Harvey for a siteworks protection job (was there for about an hour, invoicing them for 12 on night rate (30% loading)) :bowdown:

Nang I looked into eastern states cars a while back and it actually works out cheaper; you pay a couple of % stamp duty on the changeover instead of the 6.5% you will need to pay here in WA, so you more than make up for the ~1k you will loose in freighting it over here. Contact an eastern states dealer and get an FG Foon, or throw the coin at your BA mate !! The bottom end/clutch (with ceramic plates)/box will take ~400rwkw easy provided the tune is done right :blink:

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I've bought all my cars from Victoria except for the Phoon. My old man lives over there so I take a quick holiday, transfer it to my name, truck it over & get a pit inspection when it arrives.

I got my EL Fairmont Ghia for $16k back in '01 & after it was shipped, transferred etc it came in under $18k, market value for insurance purposes was still $25k. Same with the BA, paid $26k for it with leather, premo sound, low kms, 19's etc etc & by the time I got it here registered it owed me ~$28.5k... This was back in '05 & I couldn't find one over here for sub $32k with anything even close to my option list.

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  • 12" member
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so how exactly does buying over east work?

Assuming the car is already registered over east ;

do you have to have an eastern states address or anything?

do you pay stamp duty over there when transferring it into your name, or just the actual cost of the car and then pay stamp duty over here in WA?

If you do pay the stamp duty over there, does that mean there are no other costs apart from the pit inspection fees and cost of transporting it here?

Can it be driven when it arrives here (to the pits) if its already registered over there?

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