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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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if I lost my license for 2 years I would just drive without it

if you don't speed and drive during the day you never ever get stopped, even at boose buses they don't check your license unless your getting done.

so long as your sensible your chances of getting caught are virtually nil.

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  • Member For: 17y 10m 16d
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  • Location: Caracciola Karussell

Esky, my mate was pulled over 11 times in one week. Ok the first two times might have been very valid (lets just say a WRX is faster than a R33 and both cars were going far more than double the speed limit) Lucky hoon laws werent around then! The other 9 times he most certainly did not do a thing wrong. VOI perhaps?

Sucks loosing your license. My mate lost his long term GF amongst other things...

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But dont get me wrong, its hardly a me VS them thing. I think if you do the crime, you should do the time BUT its all gottta be fair across the board.

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type of car maybe?

when I drive the escort or the hq, both as loud, low modded etc you get stopped heaps. imports get stopped heaps cos most can be yellowed

drive a newish family type car or 4wd and just dont get stopped

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Well I got a nice chunky letter from the Miraboonga Police Station this afternoon. Looks like my infringement notice and court summons finally arrived.

The police statement, detailing the events of that night is absolutely full of crap. They have twisted the events to make me look like I was doing 200kph down an 80k road, and swerving in and out of traffic, then trying to outrun them once their sirens came on. I am ringing up that lawyer again tomorrow, and I'm definitely going to fight this one with all I've got. Looks like my 2.5K bonus in my pay packet last month is going to come in handy

Edited by XF Falcon
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You should get a job as a stunt driver! 200k's and weaving thru traffic.

Mark wants to know what road. God only knows why he might want to do a re-inactment for you .... could work...


seriously.... hopefully the lawyer is a good one & knows his traffic laws . best wishes

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  • Member For: 17y 10m 16d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Caracciola Karussell

I dare say his lawyer knows a thing or two about traffic fines... Probably one of the best around when it comes to stuff like this (and nightclub stabbings / shooting too apparently!). IIRC he has both a 33R and 34R

Mike, **** em if they are going to be lying dogs. Write report to ombudsman too. If they cant do their job properly (ie straight down the line and fair to all) they shouldnt be doing it..

Edited by Mat
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