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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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Spotted a T (can't remember what colour! Haha) yesterday after work driving down Read St then turned off at Safety Bay Rd Round-a-bout.

Also spotted AaronXR in my rear view mirror a few times :buttrock:

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  • Member For: 17y 10m 20d
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  • Location: Caracciola Karussell

Thanks guys! What part number? Super low's arent really that low are they? My brother has his rims in the guard and I cant say im a fan. He reckons SSL for his or something? I dont want to go as low as you Kieran, otherwise I cant get down my driveway as its pretty steep. My brother fitted his so perhaps I could ask him for one favour in our lives :P

I'll be in contact soon Dean.

Dog went ape last night with the wind (hes terrified of wind) and wouldnt stop barking. So I took him for a run about 3am.. Lots of p platers in commodores doing skids! Then I woke up this morning with a nasty cold...

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You're keen!

I just let my mongrels sleep inside when the weather's bad. They love the water so they just go hypo & don't sleep which means no sleep for me :pooh:

SL fronts & SSL rears is the best/most common package Mat. Here's a pic of mine straight after it was done so it has settled a bit since. Still gets up driveways & speedbumps quite easily :buttrock:


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that's pretty much the height that I want. Sensible and practical and its hardly lifkit spec.

I contempalated letting him inside but 45kg of german shepard just makes a mess. Hes harmless but has a pretty loud bark (ask feebs!) so I expect my neighbours to complain lol. Barked for like 2 hours straight! Was the first time he's been like that and it better be the last lol

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I've got a 50 odd kilo American Bulldog & a staffy but they know to hit their bed when they come in. Only problem is they stink the house out with their constant farting! Lol

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  • Location: Caracciola Karussell

Lads & Ladettes, I've just rung AHG / DTEC and theres an arvo free on Wednesday 17th December. I know december is a busy month but I figure its during the week and all. The only other day free was Xmas eve!

Long track and skidpan again. I need to get the GF's credit card and book it in next day or two really so I thought I'd gauge interest. No point saying your keen if you really wont go

Cost will be $85 which is cheaper than a tank of BP98!

14 people tops, Of course forum members get first choice but money talks...

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What a con! Funbury is hardly country these days! when I was at Nuburgring, the rules are you have to return a hired track car with a full tank of fuel.. PULP was about 2,50 eu's! Kinda glad the dollar was still in a healthy state.

2,50eu is now $4.65.. Imagine filling up your uterus at that price Adrian! Very easy to see why they have trendy scooters and smart cars

did you just say "trendy scooters" ??? I'll be coming in to confiscate your man card on Monday!

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  • 12" member
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  • Location: Perth WA
I've got a 50 odd kilo American Bulldog & a staffy but they know to hit their bed when they come in. Only problem is they stink the house out with their constant farting! Lol

yeh same with our 2 staffies - they know its bedtime but fark me they are gasseous mofos !!

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Lads & Ladettes, I've just rung AHG / DTEC and theres an arvo free on Wednesday 17th December. I know december is a busy month but I figure its during the week and all. The only other day free was Xmas eve!

Long track and skidpan again. I need to get the GF's credit card and book it in next day or two really so I thought I'd gauge interest. No point saying your keen if you really wont go

Cost will be $85 which is cheaper than a tank of BP98!

14 people tops, Of course forum members get first choice but money talks...

me and tinyplums are in. bank details and I'll pay you this arvo

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  • Member For: 17y 10m 20d
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  • Location: Caracciola Karussell
did you just say "trendy scooters" ??? I'll be coming in to confiscate your man card on Monday!

LOL, they are just as trendy as their owners

Phones built into helmets (even the police talk on phones while driving), scarves, designer clothes, designer shoes and sunnies..... Hmmm now even I have concerns for my sexuality :P

Esky, no wukka's! Perhaps Kieran can open a new thread and I'll book the track tomorrow and post my bank details!

Josh (WRX) and I will be there so 10 spots left!

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