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hahaha a standard WRX understeers like a pig BUT the arse end can still come unstuck!

Enjoying work?

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spotted SIXAPEAL going north on Tonkin hwy

ute looks nice in the daylight and the rims look pretty sweet in motion :spoton:

Tried to give you a beep but then remembered that I havent re-connected my my horn yet :blink::blush:

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LOL u spun in a fwd corrolla noob! Remind me to be well in front of u, come hills run :P

Once I spun in the wrx though, scary when your going fast!

On better news, I got another car and a reasonable payrise today! Ford Courier ute with free fuel. Should save me at least $100 a week in fuel alone. Bad news is the promotion that goes with it :(

Mat what job and I'm sure the Ford courier uses 98 and a hose........shoudl save more than a hungee on fuel... hehehe

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Same workplace, now im just the boss, rather than 2nd boss :( Went to Ozzy Park to get away from being boss... Manager is semi retiring and heading east and while there were applicants, none were suitable apparently. I wasnt an aplicant either!

Yeh well, there's no preference on servos etc ;)

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yeh fair go... if you got let off its only fair the other guy gets let off.. takes two to tango :)

Edited by Jeremy
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Yeah Mat I'm Mclovin work... Hopefully there is a small job starting soon that I can get onto short term... It's just north of Midland and involves phark all, but my qualification allows me to do it despite the fact that an uneducated orang-utan could do it just as easily... It's night work also - like I've been doing for the last week - :innocent:

Be careful with those Ford Couriers... Talking from experience here, it's very easy to loose 5th & reverse at the same time in the MANual... If it's a Diesel keep your eye fixed on the temp gauge because they shoot into the red very quik very easily.... = cracked head :spit:

EDIT: Mat congrats on the promo :spoton: Jeremy are Xtreme going to be tuning your car now?

Edited by Kael
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  • Location: Caracciola Karussell
EDIT: Mat congrats on the promo :innocent:

Yeh really awesome.. Got to choose my right hand man and he was just as excited as I was.....

Still it might be ok and I get free fuel which I figure will save me $420-$500 a month.

If the car dies, not my problem :)

But suppose I should be lucky I have a job.. Mate works as a town planner for a private Subiaco company and they fired a couple of people today and told my mate that could only offer him 1 day a week work and a couple at another place. Reckons its just the start for his industry and he's regretting not staying in his cushy western suburbs council job

Where was it Mikey? Got your car back? Get in contact with J.N?

Edited by Mat
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Hey mat, was at Members Equity stadium. Was my first proper concert, was bloody great fun.

I get the car back on Monday, as the slackers only open 9-2, 5 days a week.

I rang up J.N and spoke to the secretary, and I'm waiting for the return call by him.

I got the XF started again today, so I'm happy about that . Will wash it tomorrow after work and have a celebration lap around the block or two I think lol

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