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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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Yup they were brand new 19's, the cheapest I could find just for powercruise.... at only $230 a tyre! Not happy Jan!

So they are still on the car, 90% tread on them still, and I'm happily destroying them so I can put my sticky ones back on hehe

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haha I lose my computer for 4 days come back and the whole site has changed, confused much


Hey, is Ryan in Evo Oz? You know anything about the girl in the 9 (I think) who rolled on their cruise?

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The boost peaks at about 13 psi. If I wasn't such a gymp at uploading things I'd show you the graphs. Just looking through the time sheets from that night I hit 120 twice but the average would of been around the 118mph. Still I'm pretty happy with the time I ran considering the 11.8 had a 60' of 2 seconds and all on the stock factory dunlops. Mind you they were warmed up alot!


Very impressive mph for the limited mods & boost levels it's running :Welcome2FordXR6t:

Ego u should come on the cruise mate show Dean how to drive :spoton:



Before I go out for the next cruise I will have the brakes, rims and suspension done I hope..

I'm sick of the brake shudder, bald tyres and the stock look. Quotes are done for the rims and tyres, new rotors are in the shed with pads, Enzed ready for the braided lines and still haven't made up my mind on the suspension. Kings sl/ssl or lovells with the torana rear springs??

All done in November, with all going to plan.

Do you know which Torana springs they are that go in the BF's? Pedders told me about that option a while back but I couldn't remember what model Torrie they were meant for??

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$230 for cheapo's?? The local TTF down here sels traxxis or ling longs for ~140 per tyre in 19's :Welcome2FordXR6t:

Lucky you had that swarve bonnet or they wouldn't of bothered taking pics! Lol

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  • Drift Queen
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haha yer ryan is in evo oz but me an him are no more so I dont no about any chick rolling a car, I only no one chik with a 9 and if she did roll it bwahahahaha suck sh*t for her..stupid mole

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Btw. My new remote lock came in the mail today. Have no idea how to configure the new code. Came with instructions but it looks all japenesy to me

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