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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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How's the car going Phyber?

Bet you're glad to be back in it hey!!

Cruise in 2 weeks so make sure you get to a driver training course beforehand :blink:

lol! Bastard :D

Funny you should mention it I haven't cashed in my two free days yet - they expire on the 12th of nov :S

Grrrrrrrrrreat to be in it again, but finding it hard to pay for fuel atm. unsure of cruise attendance on 25th - all ford day from AFF is on sunday 26th :rockon:

Spotted a Lotus Elise in HJs carpark on Canning Hwy Melville. I bet they go like the clappers but I dunno if I could use it as a daily hahaha....back to my T!

Spotted myself towing a load back from Cott today. I hate moving other peoples junk! Car went well, no dings from the first time trailer reversing antics either *phew* hahaha...


Oh man my sympathies John. Sounds like yours wasn't as bad as mine which can only make you a better driver lol :D at least more apt at looking to the front sooner when turning. Hope things go much smoother for you than they did for me (air con is STILL busted :/). Don't think I've seen you driving around yet either dammit, love SPs!



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  • Member For: 17y 10m 15d
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  • Location: Caracciola Karussell

Should look stunning! Nothing over the top or anything. Nicely built street car!

Guys, 11am at Powis Street carpark tomorrow if anyone wants to come for a Sunday drive for a couple of hours. Was originally going to hit a few of the Targa stages et al but apparently another cruise going to that area already so a slight change of plans but will still be getting out of the metro area for some fun. No meetpoints / maps etc. Not even a proper cruise :)

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*Sadly I saw no evidence of hot lesbians. Apparently they dont really exist in real life :(

They're all more blokey than the guys in there hey Mat? :Doh:

ute goes in Monday for full paint job. 3 weeks they reckon.

Then fit new cams. 4 weeks off rd I reckon.

But I suppose I can bring the slow car instead (the wifes). :fool:

Nice one! See you there :fishin:

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  • Location: Caracciola Karussell

Yeh Dean, I guess its only Hugh Hefner and other stupidly rich people that get access to really attractive "lesbians"!

Some photo's from today (from my private property to the far north east of Perth) Killa day for it but a lot of gravel and hon-key (it beeps that out?) nuts in a few of the sections which meant it was a tad difficult. Mad paint skillz I know but the driver is a dentist so you cant see his face!

Cheers for the little cruise boys (and Hannah). Puts the fun back in driving






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  • Member For: 17y 10m 15d
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  • Location: Caracciola Karussell

Beatiful property isnt it. I just hope with the current economic crisis I wont have to let it go...

Gotta save up for a clutch but few other things to buy first so who knows... ETA 2020

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Economic crisis FTW as long as China still needs our stuff so FMG still builds it's railway line from Headland to Newman (my job soon :)) so I can buy a cheap house in a year or two :bowdown::sleepystuff:

Bloody clutches makes me want an auto... or could give me an excuse to buy a modded Phoon with strong clutch like XFT's old one :):blush::spit::stirthepot:

EDIT: 2020 :crybaby: :crybaby:

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  • Member For: 17y 10m 15d
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  • Location: Caracciola Karussell

My advice is to save longer and buy a highly modded car. Of course its got a much higher chance of popping but a new engine is still cheaper than all the mods + an engine when that lets go lol

Not actualy 2020 but it has to be done by January at the latest for MV I guess. Is simon from XFT back at work tuning yet?

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Yeperoo that's the idea :blush:

When I have enough monies to buy or at least get a loanskie I'll be sure to post up here to get the justification to shell out on a pre loved modded Phoon. I have my eye on XFT's one in the for sale thread but what are the chances it will still be up in 2 or more months time :sleepystuff:

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