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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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Thought so but couldn't remember if I heard right! Lol

I can't believe you've been able to kee it standard for so long. I struggled with 2 weeks of 220rwkw!

Oh mate, I know... Iv chopped and changed my mind so many times about mods and tuning.

I think a good part of the reason is that im hardly in the thing, Its an April 06 build and iv only recently hit 20 thou km's in it so its still a baby in terms of use...

Its been one of those stories where I was just gonna get a tune, then I got injectors... Once I got them I got a fuel pump... I didnt wanna do those without a good Dump & Cat combo - So I got a full exhaust... To maximise these I wanted a good cooler (bought and sold a wog cooler and UBP already) and then once I had a all of that, the clutch would of well and truly gone... So figured I would just wait until I had everything ready to do it all at once instead of getting bits added and not being truly happy with it, getting other stuff and retuning etc...

Saying that, Iv done what I need to do for suspension for the time being and done a few bits and pieces (fpv wheel, MW shifter, leather seats, gauges, wheels, tint etc). Ill be happy for a little while once Iv had my tune, then onto a few of the other cosmetic parts.

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I couldn't of hung off like that... Way to impulsive!

Atleast you'll make good power with what you have & it'll be a huge difference to stock. Should keep you happy for some time :spoton:

What suspension mods have you had done?

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Lowered front, reset rear leafs, front lower control arm bushes and front swaybar... Wanna get the rear bar eventually and probably get some Koni's on the front... Wont bother doing that until Iv got some good 20's though and might get the front compressed and rears reset again depending on the how it looks with the 20's on.

Yeh, im pretty good at following a plan somehow. Im normally impulsive as f*k but with this iv been able to see that I should follow a plan so everything comes together nicely.

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I was thinking of going down the Koni path but was advised against them by a few people. Apparently they don't last in larger cars for too many kms but not sure how accurate that is??

Teins or Bilsteins seem to be the go in the falcons.

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If anyone is keen to head to Japan, Jet star have cheap return flights from sydney now. $715 return.... Not bad at all. Now all we need is some cheap flights to Europe from Perth.

Tiger for Asian destinations (Even though I never want to go back, its hard to argue with $250 return to Singas), Jetstar for Europe.. How cool would it be!

Anyone keen on an indoor sport (maybe volleyball, netball or whatever) on a wednesday or thursday night? Need to take up another night of sport and change my very, very (X10) unhealthy (but oh so yummy) diet. Classed as obese now so its gotta be done :roflmbo: Been putting on weight slowly last couple of years so it is true, but I dunno about being 75-80kgs.. Ideal weight apparently. Doctor laughed at that one....

Edited by Mat
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Somewhere central I guess? I have a mate who wants an extra night but main thing is 6 reliable players every week!

I play indoor cricket at Shenton Park, mixed netball at Joondalup but I dont mind a drive

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Just spotted a mercury FG XR6T down at Kwinana Beach giving it a bit while I was out getting lunch. Sounded like it had an aftermarket exhaust as well :roflmbo:

what does that sound like?

fgs are pretty loud stock...

though if he did have one, wouldnt mind knowing where he got it from :fool:

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