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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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any cruises on soon?

keen to catch up and go for a thrash!

Check the WA Cruise Ideas thread Ramon :smileysex:

I unblocked my bov... no more tutututu... only pshhhhhhhhhhh now :P

I may build a dose pipe now for thrills

Dose pipes kill performance, especailly with the stock cooler so just keep that in mind.

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Hey if any of you MoF0ze are in the Northbridge area tonight, come say hi and catch muh band playing at the Rocket Room about 9pm! I would say check the website to get a preview of the music, but that stuff is quite outdated, need to go do some more recordings!

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It's for Saturday the 25th, 3 weeks from today. I will be running around with full exhaust & modded turbo with just a base tune for the next 2 weeks so don't want to have it in that period... Too much temptation to stick the boot in! Lol

The map should be sorted by Monday so I'll get Keiran to start a new thread with details & a copy of the map :nyyaah:

How's the F6 going now? Did you sort the fuel system & new carbon manifold or are you gonna be running the 460rwkw tune for the cruise?? I'd hate to be in your position, ONLY 460 on tap :sick::blink:

Edited by 03XR6T
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NOt sure if I should post here or spotted... This afternoon bout 2:45 as youo turn of the Tonkin onto Leach poor P plater (the green ones) had rolled a toyoto something It was totally on its roof. But standing in the middle of the road with back into the oncomming traffic (off the tonkin) was a coppa. Like Hello!!! Look at whats comming and maybe warn them that the road is a bit blocked and they talk about people rubber necking @ an accident. When I came back hour n a half later they were just tipping the car back over.... Nasty..


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Fark... poor bloke.

Hey does anyone know details about the poor lads that got killed on the way home from the Boddington mines?? I heard snippets of stuff from a M8 that described something like they were going a little over the speed limit when passing a copper. He followed them and as soon as he lit up the roof they panikd, lost control and went into a tree......?? Not really sure on details as I don't have the full story.

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  • Cant wait to drive it
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hey peoples

have you seen the latest repco catalouge CAPA flash2's for $595 not to shabby

also have a lot of other gear for some good prices 25% off DBA rotors

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Top stuff... been looking at stuff up there for a wile... FIFO... ATM Im down in Harvey on the rails and something has come up in Port Headland (rails again) for big big $$$ so I can fire any questions to you if they some up :crybaby:

Do ya like it up there??

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