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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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Bugger eh :(

Appears to be a few engines letting go due to oil pump gears lately.

They look alright those bonnets! Bit of rice is ok I think!

Was your front bar AWC? Sometime in the next 25 years I'd like to get an F6 bar but f/glass worries me slightly (after being shafted by Mau @ Evo R in Bentley), but Fords price worries me even more!

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Yea mine was AWC & all was sweet :spoton:

Didn't need much prep work at all so the costs were kept down when painting time rolled around!

The only thing I don't like about the CF Agressor bonnet is the fact it can't be colour matched. Don't know how it'd look against Fever??

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Yeah I'd have an Agressor bonnet on my car already if it was a metal one, or if the colour matched a bit better. Spewing cos they are certainly different, and I love them :D

Theres one bloke Perth that I know of who has one fitted on his mercury T, but hes left it black on the car.

Edited by XF Falcon
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Good job with the buy Deeeeen PHOON FTW... :innocent:

How you liking the auto? Any more than the MANual?

Looking round myself at a possible buy in a few months time -or more- now that's skools nearly over.... I'm actually off to earn an unfairly high amount of $$$ doing fark all in Harvey next week so it's the beginning or the KAELPHOON revenue raising :) :) :)

Goran spewing bout your engine mate :spoton:

Oh and Dean LMFAO @ he person who buys you 03XR6T.... and areya gunna change your av and display name now aswell??

Cheers. BEDTIME :crybaby:

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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um, when i start the car with the stereo on you can hear the engine turn over, when the volume is down low you can hear the engine, put my foot down and you can hear the turbo spooling haha sounds pretty cool but its anoying me. If the stereo is up you cant hear it so that my solution for now.


There was a service letter from ford floating around a while back for electrical noise throught the stereo. You probably need to clean and replace all the earth straps in the engine bay and install a heavy ground cable from the engine and the alternator. Go straight to the battery with both if you can and they run a heavy ground to the chassis from the battery.

The noise you can hear is electromagnetic induction noise from the alternator. Your stereo cable is picking it up and turning it into noise at the speakers. If you run a heavy eng and alt earth the noise will track back down these to earth instead of through your stereo wiring.

The other thing you can do (dont laugh) is twist all speaker cables (1 twist per 25mm of cable) and twist all the line in cables. This helps shield the cable from induction currents.



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  • Drift Queen
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Feebs, that's what you get when you do backyard installs :pirate2:

Wasnt a back yard job, I payed $250 for the f*ckin thing to be installed, stef gave me a solution but was a bit late :(

Sounds really complicated Luke, managed to fit a dose pipe but dont no if I can manage that one haha. Help anyone?

Edited by chikt
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  • <put funny sh*t here>
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Dean, theres a place called the Ute Shed or something here in Midland or somewhere who is the WA distributor for the bonnet and I'm sure they will have one you can see, otherwise the bloke with one is in the Perth Falcons club and he might be at powercruise I think so you might be able to check it out then too :)

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  • 12" member
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anyone here install fencing and after some cash?? colourbond fencing panels to be precise ?? got about 85-90 metres that need installing, labour only...

fencing is already on site, no removal of old fencing required and all sandy earth so easy as to dig...

will pay per metre/ per 2.4m panel whatever... no top lattice either and most of it is 1800H panels..

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Good job with the buy Deeeeen PHOON FTW... :spoton:

How you liking the auto? Any more than the MANual?

Looking round myself at a possible buy in a few months time -or more- now that's skools nearly over.... I'm actually off to earn an unfairly high amount of $$$ doing fark all in Harvey next week so it's the beginning or the KAELPHOON revenue raising :) :) :)

Goran spewing bout your engine mate :crybaby:

Oh and Dean LMFAO @ he person who buys you 03XR6T.... and areya gunna change your av and display name now aswell??

Cheers. BEDTIME :spoton:

ZF auto is sweeeeeeet :wub:

Avatar & Username can stay for now. Missing my old girl enough so without seeing it on here every day for the time being I might breakdown & cry! Lol

Wasnt a back yard job, I payed $250 for the f*ckin thing to be installed, stef gave me a solution but was a bit late :(

Sounds really complicated Luke, managed to fit a dose pipe but dont no if I can manage that one haha. Help anyone?

I know it wasn't, I was stirring you up. Worked didn't it?? :stirthepot:

Dean, theres a place called the Ute Shed or something here in Midland or somewhere who is the WA distributor for the bonnet and I'm sure they will have one you can see, otherwise the bloke with one is in the Perth Falcons club and he might be at powercruise I think so you might be able to check it out then too :)

Now that you mention it I do remember that place. It's right near Simon's first workshop in Midland & they sell all the fibreglass bonnets etc from AWC.

Cheers Mikey :spoton:

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