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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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I have worked on many a minesite and while im well and truly over it it does suit some people. Especially if you have a goal to work towards. Just don't get caught up in the fifo life style and treat ever break and a holiday otherwise you will go backwards and wind up stuff in a fifo job.

If you're on mid 50's and have been offered 20+30k more i would look else where. What sort of role is your mate talking about?

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  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 17y 10m 20d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Caracciola Karussell
I have worked on many a minesite and while im well and truly over it it does suit some people. Especially if you have a goal to work towards. Just don't get caught up in the fifo life style and treat ever break and a holiday otherwise you will go backwards and wind up stuff in a fifo job.

If you're on mid 50's and have been offered 20+30k more I would look else where. What sort of role is your mate talking about?

I guess the goal would be able to travel / get together a decent house deposit (bit hard to do both at same time of course).

I just asked him what unskilled guys get up where he works and he said aout 75-80kish. Only a quick chat but he said he'll look after me if its the direction I take.... NFI what it would be doing though. Any ideas? I remember one of the boys from indoor cricket went up to fit drill bits or something. Left after the first few days as he was bored stupid.

FIFO suits some people, and not others. there is alot to be said for going home after every shift! I give it 3 months before your missus has had enough, I know mine would get over it pretty quick!

She'd get over it! We dont live together and we've been going out for almost 5 years and she'd enjoy the time apart! That and she's pretty busy during the school terms with work.

50Kish isn't bad, especially when you walk into a supermarket and know those people might not even be on 35K. I guess im just over it and dont know WTF to do!

Had a lookwith Customs too! No openings for the Marine Unit but I did get a decent excersise program out of it :) Could be another option!

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I'll be shooting up north by end of the year hopefully. A few of the guys that have left my work & headed up there are on awesome rotations (5 days on, weekend off & flown back if you want, 4 days on, 3 days off with flight back) and started around the $85k mark. That's office work though & experience is required so not really helpful I guess but just thought I'd add my 2c :roflmbo:

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  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 17y 10m 20d
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  • Location: Caracciola Karussell
Can you drive a forklift? We are paying high 60's to mid 70's for T/a's in my workshop.

I can indeed. I have my forklift ticket and spend about an hour a day on one.. that's decent money indeed! What else is involved?

Dean, apparently this roster would be based around 8 days on, 6 days off, 7 nights on, 7 nights off or something?

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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  • Location: Perth

Basic Trades assistant role. Ie moving components around. Stacking and racking components. Chasing parts for the Mech's etc etc

I will pm you my email adress. Do you have a current resume?

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  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 17y 10m 20d
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  • Location: Caracciola Karussell
Basic Trades assistant role. Ie moving components around. Stacking and racking components. Chasing parts for the Mech's etc etc

I will pm you my email adress. Do you have a current resume?

Thanks mate. I got your pm and I'll shoot you an email in the next few days :)

I've never had a resume or even a proper job interview. So I guess my next resume will be a current one!

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I can indeed. I have my forklift ticket and spend about an hour a day on one.. that's decent money indeed! What else is involved?

Dean, apparently this roster would be based around 8 days on, 6 days off, 7 nights on, 7 nights off or something?

Sounds alrite for that sort of money... Only work 6 months of the year for $70k :beerchug:

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  • Cant wait to drive it
  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 16y 7m 20d
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  • Location: Golden Bay,WA
You're a donating member so the 25 post limitation is not applicable :beerchug:

It's only like that to stop people from joining purely to use the forum as a billboard and sell something


didnt realise thanks for the that

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Anyone work at the mines boys and girls? Like it, hate it?

I've been working in my current job (pet and garden industry) for almost 3 years and while the money isnt bad for retail and someone who lives at home (high 50's) its hardly challenging and I really CBF going to work everyday. I've only ever had 2 real jobs. At woolies for 6 years (earning about 28K a year) and this one. Ideally I'd like to go play with boats (my background studies are boats / fisheries management etc) but im lazy and haven't really looked. I guess im in a comfort zone at my current job. Not always a good place to be!

However, a mate (plays some important role in a bhp mine) could get me onto "his" mine with a decent roster and about 20-30k more than im on now. Of course the extra money would come in handy for a house deposit / travel / FG series 2 XR6T :) Suppose I can only give it a go?


8/6 would have to be the perfect roster I reckon. I'm 2x2 FIFO & love it, wife is okay with it and I get to spend heaps of time with the kids. I miss them like crazy when I go away but not too many blokes get to spend 6 months of every year with theirs so it's all balanced in my book. I left 2x2 ten years ago and went back to it when my first daughter was born.

I reckon the $75K is a bit on the light side to be honest. I've worked for BHP and it's been a long time since anyone was only earning that much. Depends on the job too and I don't know much about that.

Don't treat it like a drinkfest when you go away and don't play up every time you come home is the key to it all. As others have quite rightly pointed out, it doesn't suit every body but if you don't have a go you'll never know.

Remember it gets stinking bloody hot and it's dirty work at times but it's never cold or miserable

my thoughts for what it's worth

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