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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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If any of you have an interest in local music, or just good music in general, come see muh band play at the Rosemount on May 28th, will be an awes night! Check our myspace ( in my sig) if you want a preview of our tunes...we don't play anything extreme, just good rockin sh!t. Would be cool to see some of you there, so COME ON DOWN!


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I was a spectator that night and was in my mates WRX whole night, saw everyones cars.

XF Falcon- Looking Good As always, Cleanest Xr Out!

ChubZilla- Your Car is On Ring Mate!!!

Chikt- Love the rims, they Shine Like a Mutha Farka! :spoton:

1eatV8s- Lot off V8's wanted to run you from what I heard. :tonguepoke:

Mat- Love the Side Ways Action.

XRO6T- Your Car is on ring aswell! Nice

Everyones car looked awsom in the flesh!

Haha yeah a few V8s got there wish and lets just say I lived up to the plates. One VE SS-V kept on trying though just wouldn't except it. Poor fella.

Edited by IEATV8S
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When I was driving the cruise map yesterday had a dark blue XR6T pull up one car behind on my passenger side.. Could only see a silhoute of the driver but it looked like it had gauges...

Being on pole position at the lights I gave it a bit of stick.. I change lanes and next thing I see two cops in an unmarked XR6T next to me... Both looked at me, the driver had a sly grin. Both got pole position next set of lights and he gave it curry lol

Couldnt get away with that in the WRX!!

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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How many Tuners are in Perth these days?

And what is the word on the street about them? in terms of decent cars coming from their workshop etc.

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If your talking about V8's my bro had all his work done by Bill Lee and the guys at WA Performance.

Also we had some of Marks Workshop cars in front of our tent at Motorvation this year.

Looked to be seriously well put together with a bucketload of power. Some fords, some holdens. Unlimited coin spec though!

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nobody needs to worry about marks workshop cars, you'd never come across one on the road, dyno comp yes but not on the road.

wa performance have got some real quick cars. had a look around kosteki's (spelling?) workshop the other day. real impressive setup and some bombed cars. ve injected big block was ace

Edited by Ford_esky
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  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 17y 10m 20d
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  • Location: Caracciola Karussell
nobody needs to worry about marks workshop cars, you'd never come across one on the road, dyno comp yes but not on the road.

I kinda got the feeling they arent driven often and garaged on rainy days lol!

I dunno how someone could spend 150K on a toy and not wanna play with it as often as possible!

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How many Tuners are in Perth these days?

And what is the word on the street about them? in terms of decent cars coming from their workshop etc.

Are you saying for the XR6 Turbo...or who tunes with SCT Advantage / sniper in general?

We could put a list together of who is available? here's a quick start....Alphabetical order to take out any bias!

Battens Performance Tuning (Barry - SCT & Sniper)

BlackMacs Performance - (SCT Advantage)

PSI Performance - (SCT Advantage)

The Power Factory (Jason & Rob - SCT Advantage)......On top cos they tune my car lol.

Xtreme Ford Tuning (Simon - SCT Advantage)

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