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Plus this way I get to keep my stock injectors in case I ever want to put it back to stock.

Youse boys just make me laugh!!!! Put it back to stock?!?!? Like that's gunna happen!!! I just cant imagine driving round in a stock.... :spoton::yikes::sleepystuff:


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Well, I got 265rwkw from just a tune. Simon reckons I would be close to 280rwkw with new injectors. But in July I will go the intercooler, injectors and fuel pump. I want to feel the 300rwkw :spoton:

Not to mention, I find the perth heats kills my car on a hot day, especially, if I hammer it all day. I think the intercooler is just crappo.


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If you don't mind me asking Deonie, what sort of injectors and cat set-up have you gone for? I see that you have been treated to some of Simon's handy work at Xtreme in your signature

Edited by xr6t ego
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If you don't mind me asking Deonie, what sort of injectors and cat set-up have you gone for? I see that you have been treated to some of Simon's handy work at Xtreme in your signature


our injectors are Nizpro and the cat is ..... I really dont have a clue myself. Mark has said something about 4 inch but its not on the reciept and I really didn't ask.

It is what Simon recommended and it does the job. I must say that it absolutely just wooped the a$$ off a Clubbie and Mark still has a smile ear to ear, bloody young clubbie d/h, laughed at Mum Dad & kids at the light........ Idiot!!! :msm::evil:


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Simon uses Nizpro drilled which are as stated, definately have less variance than the Siemens. I remember ages ago Simon did a car with the Siemens and it wasn't quite right...the injectors were the issue and they were then sent back under warranty. The return units were tested and came back within 1% of each other (these ones are now in my car lol). The angle of the spray is also very slightly different on the Siemens I believe. Nizpro injetors are great because they are simply high flow stockies and retain all the attributes of the standard injector. The Nizpro cost more but are simply superior.

In regards to the dump and cat, lil bodes has a 4" cat I believe from looking at it.

In general Simon recommends very good products and hence the reason why they cost slightly more. His tuning is also very reasonably priced compared to some guys in the east :-)

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That's Deonie and Toads for the advice.. I will be going to Simon for my work, but is good to know what people have and there opinions.

There is a group buy at the moment talking about dumps and cats, so I'm keeping a eye out for what is finally going to happen there. Seems to be some indecision about whether the 3.5' or 4' is the go, but I will probably wait to after I talk to Simon....

So when you guys say that you have the Nizpro injectors are they the exchange ones that his offsider was talking about?

Cheers and have a great weekend.

Edited by xr6t ego
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In regards to the dump and cat, lil bodes has a 4" cat I believe from looking at it.

Thanx Toads I knew you would make sure it was right. Mark wasn't home.

Ego- As it has been said many times in here Simon knows what he is doing, he spent plenty of time with me and then went through it all again with Mark before we started playing about. Just talk to him

about what you want and what options are available. If you are trying to catch him at the workshop try the afternoon - worked better for us


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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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I bottomed out last night badly and did some damage to the underbody of my car, mainly the exhaust :s


Next lod of mods coming soon though, weeee

Looking at breaking 400rwkw, or my dif/gearbox.

whichever comes first :bowdown:

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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there was a dip in the road I was driving on and no signs to warn me about it, and my car is verrrrry low, specially with a car full. Nothing major, ill get it sorted tomorrow then over to Simons in the next week or 2, when the bonus goes in, just to be splurged on the car.

oh the joys of being young and not having to worry about much :bowdown:

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