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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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Theres even some nuts in the settlers hill deli carpark and the main road, I mean WTF LOL

Kieran you should see the back of the ridge (the new stage) whoopsy daisy :$


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Yeah, I do. The FPV gauges are rubbish though. They really should have put something in there worth while that made you feel as though you were getting absolutely excellent value for the money you were spending instead of some garbage gauges that provide meaningless output.

what are you talking about?? I love the unmarked scale on the boost gauge, each marking means another 10psi in hektik phoon bro !!!

nah they do look ghey !! and to quote Motor mags "designed by Fisher Price" is a perfect description

what have you replaced them with?? something that slots right in with no farking around??? or is that not possible haha

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  • Member For: 17y 11m 21d
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I never had a car with gauges... The 3 gauges looks good with the blue lights

But I have never understood what they mean. Newl, you got any pics of your new gauges?


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I take it you live in that area?


Yup!! What gave that away!! :shocked: Just under the Avatar!!

About a 5 min walk or 60 seconds in the T(give or take a few corners)


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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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  • Member For: 17y 11m 5d
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  • Location: Canning Vale, W.A
Spotted a black turbz with gold(?) stripes, no wing, big rims, quad zorst and big XFT sticker heading into Freo bout 10:30 satdee night. I know I've seen it on here before, I just can't remember where. I gave it a little poke to catch up but it was pretty clear that car would've EATEN mine hehe

Was a very nice vee-hicle, *respect* :spoton:

Hi buddy :P

Was on my way to Metros, saw you and thought I'd catch up and give you a little tease :shocked:

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what are you talking about?? I love the unmarked scale on the boost gauge, each marking means another 10psi in hektik phoon bro !!!

nah they do look ghey !! and to quote Motor mags "designed by Fisher Price" is a perfect description

what have you replaced them with?? something that slots right in with no farking around??? or is that not possible haha

Fisher Price. Too right! I remember when I first tossed in the 10PSI map when I got my edit. I thought that the boost gauge was going to have a heart attack. :spoton:

I've got the PPAuto gauges and tripod.

But I have never understood what they mean. Newl, you got any pics of your new gauges?

Nope. I didn't get to it over the weekend. For some reason I was in a cleaning mood and did that instead of the gauges. I'll get around to it soon. I'm tired of them sitting around doing nothing.

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  • Member For: 17y 8m 17d
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just got back from summernats what an awesome event hey, I was surprised with the lack of xr6 turbos and even any ve twin turbos though.. anyways I dunno if everyone knows but powercruise is coming to perth on the 11 - 12th of october and will be held at barbagallo's... www.powercruise.net

now time to start spending some $$ on the ute

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