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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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hate when people try floor it past you and think they won

last night on morley drive a R8 clubsport VZ tryed to gun it past me I was going about 75 he was going about 90-100, as he tryed to gun past me I droped 2nd and still had him by half a car length

sad really, he deserved a chop sign :)

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  • Colossal Member
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Spotted blueprint BA sedan at Botanical Golf on Joondalup Drive yesterday afternoon.

Had typhoon rims and the plates where XRCHRIS or something like that...??

Anyone here??

Yeah mate... Chris, Lisa and I were out in the rain hitting a small white ball around the gardens. I havent been there since I was little so it was pretty cool to check it out again. Awesome gardens and the food is good too.

XRCHRIS is a member :useless:

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  • Colossal Member
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Good luck mate, let us know how you go. From what I hear if you keep the tyres hard and warm even stock Ts do very well up against WRXs etc around a track. Leave them on the dirt I reckon! :useless:

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Hahaha, yeh I mean a stock wrx shouldnt be any dramas, they'll have it on a XR in the corners but the XR will have the speed to keep just in front.

The evo's however will be a different kettle of fish.. They are seriously quick track weapons. My mate has an MR and it ran 13.3 with an ordinary launch.. Only suspension / brake work. Flies around a race track too.

Either way, they'll be wearing playboy stickers if I can find some on the way there :D

Formats going to be a little different to most long track days because we all know each other, so I'll grab some pics!

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Speaking of reid street, anyone seen a white vt Late model camira that's be de-bdaged and its plates are "ls1 chaser"?

was gonna have a go against it but I was behind him at the lights, heard him reving the engine, when it went green he went and I went I got right up his ass and he slammed his foot on the break, which made me have to, then he went again and by then he was a good 30 metres infront.. we got to the next set of lights and he said "better luck next time this car is 400kw at the wheels.." such a tosser, yelled him to go again but he turned right and went into maccas..

also dragged a cv8 Monaro (plates were Tracey1) on sat night going to a cruise in perth with Kieran (XR06T), geez it was gutless :useless:

ANYWAY.. ive been seen heaps of T's around rocko lately, anyone here know of a blueprint T with the plates "MICKA"?

I've smoked that vt 'ls1 chaser' wasn't much of a challenge at all (doesn't seem like 400rwkw).

Although I limit my runs to either roll ons from 60+ or at the drag strip. the ute loses traction just feeding on the power in 4th with 255's on the back. Most mildly powerful cars can beat me off the lights sadly.

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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I've smoked that vt 'ls1 chaser' wasn't much of a challenge at all (doesn't seem like 400rwkw).

Although I limit my runs to either roll ons from 60+ or at the drag strip. the ute loses traction just feeding on the power in 4th with 255's on the back. Most mildly powerful cars can beat me off the lights sadly.

well off the lights I got right up his arse and even after he slammed his breaks on me I was catching up again, My T is completely stock so im guessing its around the 200rwkw.. so no it cant be 400rwkw the guy is a dickweed

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  • Hench, but no longer shredded or tanned.
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  • Location: Canning Vale, W.A
Awesome, because as anyone around here will tell you...



Pics are fun to post

That blue car belongs to my 16 (turning 17) year old brother lol. HES A LEARNER.

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