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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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On 12/15/2017 at 9:52 PM, SeduceG6Et67 said:

Just thought I would jump in to this topic as I just picked up my car today from Rob after getting a stage 3 built motor and built box. I had spent over 25k with XFT and had issues with my $6500 box from day 1. I told Rob the issues and that I could feel something wrong in 4th(ZF box) Turns out the planetary pins had walked out and the box was a ticking bomb once they came out. Also other parts were not done correctly,I cant remember axactly,I can find out.  The actuator was not secured properly causing all sorts off probs. The fuel pumps were running both pumps all the time which will boil the fuel apparently. The car would stall a lot when coming to a traffic light. XFT will do an F6 engine with a few minor upgrades for 16k and rated to 500RWKW, with Monsta Torque its a complete race engine that guys are running 1000RWHP through them for 15k. Spoke to Simon and just like when I had the probs way back he wasnt to interested telling me the planetary pins can walk,Rob has them tig welded. My car does about 4000km a year so having to pay for another box pissed me off. I cant recommend Rob enough. So after another $22061 I am sure this time I will have no issues and some one who listens if I do. 


Interesting read. Firstly, you say you spent over 25k? All your invoices for work we carried including services was a total $20745.00 and keeping in mind we haven't seen your car since Sep 2014. You paid for a stage II built trans including trans re-tune 5500.00 (invoice number 2466). If your planet had signs of the pins walking out I would have told you it needed to be replaced, if customers aren't willing to pay for an upgraded on the planet set then we can get a stock new one and weld the pins to try and help them to live longer.


Brian, our stage 1 engine is only 11995.00 not 15k as you stated above and as for the phone call you stating I didn't show any interest in talking with you again is not true and not how the phone conversation went. I've not got the time to keyboard bash and argue with you. Good luck have a great Christmas

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@JETURBO your useless posts are of no value here.  


I know of plenty of happy customers from the XFT camp. It’s annoying when you get someone come on here and air their dirty laundry and bag out a workshop based on the opinion of someone in direct competition. No really fair!  My 2 cents!

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yeah if somebody is going to say something about any shop they should speak the truth, not exaggerated or anything.


they are performance cars, things will eventually break. this by why I sold my BF for a slight profit instead of spending tens of thousands on it.


you probably drove it how I drove the bf....start it up and floor it everywhere. loved the zf kickdown......mmmmm im dreaming of a xr6t ute trayback with roof racks with 300kw for work..... ..........

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Hey guess what ...


two sides of the story have been aired on this thread, one side is a customer who openly admits he knows next to nothing about mechanicals and has paid over 20k for a service/s and doesn’t seem like a tight bugger who could not afford for it to be done right ( heck he’s just shelled out another 20k to workshop B ) 


one side is a fully equipped well informed workshop who knows nearly everything there is to know and has admitted the customer has paid up for what would of been recommended to him considering the customer isn’t “in the know” 


is there anyone at fault here ? Could the well equipped workshop of recommended a better package, maybe could the customer ask for a better package, maybe also but probably not due to more than likely going on what he had been recommended by the workshop and their skills 


the customer has told his side of the story and also told the story of what’s just unfolded and the great service from MT 


Now to me this doesn’t sound like something a new punter would want to hear about if looking at workshop A to do work on their vehicle but again every workshop is open to scrutiny ( apparently ) and maybe sometimes a customer can just not be reasoned with and this could of been a good time for XFT to actually talk about all they “tried” to do and the “lengths” they went to to help resolve the situation. Instead we see a cheap shot that the customer didn’t spend the extra $4225 to be correct with his $25,000 invoice claim ...... 


so despite this all going down I'm fully allowed to take a shot at @arronm and the way he talks about XFT and how he can poke fun at any other workshop at his choosing and now I can do the same 


it wasn’t directed at anyone other than @arronm and it wasn’t defamatory it was a cheap shot to piss him off and so fhucking what .... it’s a forum, nothing happens on here anymore and a shot back n forth between two members means SFA .... the fact it’s including a prominent workshop isn’t my fault nor is it my story... but guess what it got said and said from the horses mouth, not second hand 


so yeh it’s a forum and banter will happen and will happen often especially with Arron as he loves to give it far more regular than anyone else .... if this was someone’s build thread or a dedicated individual thread I could understand but in the general WA chit chat thread stuff will be said and will be said in gest more often than not 


Happy Christmas @IH8TOADS and if there’s something you want to discuss please feel free to PM me as I don’t understand your reaction when not directed at you ;) 

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Jet you’re stirring sh*t for no reason and justifying your actions because that’s how someone else behaves it simply childish. I hope that’s not the behavioural standard new members can expect from this public forum. 

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