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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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  • Member For: 16y 7m 13d
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  • Location: Perth, Western Australia

Hopefully he didn't give a fake name, have heard of people having a large amount of difficulty in pinning down the at fault driver after being given fake details!

With modern phones, get photos of everything:

- the car

- the driver

- the driver's licence

Then the person can't deny being there.

You can even record the conversation (eg VoiceMemo on an iPhone). Been there, done that.

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  • Member For: 12y 2m 22d
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  • Location: Perth

Yeah got his name and number and took photo of his license so have his address etc too. Only thing I didnt do was get the rego number of the car he was driving. Will sms him tomorrow to get number plate from him and a quote for getting it fixed near work.

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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  • Member For: 17y 3m 5d
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  • Location: Probably above atmospheric pressure
Spotted a soft roader coming the other direction do a full speed 90° turn across my lane on Toodyay Rd 100 zone this morning, about 30m in front of me, plow into the dirt shoulder and end up on its side in the trees. Bloke that was following behind it said it hit the roof against the tree trunk and that stopped it.

We both pulled the f*ck over and ran to help, other guy ripped off the broken sunroof and we pulled her 7yo and 10yo daughter out and then the woman, who was also about 7-8 months pregnant just to add to the situation. A third car stopped and called the ambos. Kids seemed fine aside from being shaken up. Woman was a bit out of it at first and had a sore head, hopefully just whiplash and no harm to the baby.

Ambos said possibly a painful "fake" contraction (forget the real name) caused her to rip on the wheel. I'm impressed the car didn't just roll over going at that speed!

Still pretty stressed out from it, just glad no one appeared to be seriously hurt. Also glad that I wasn't just a little further forward. I'd earlier turned on to Toodyay Rd behind a horse float and normally I'd rip past a car there since it's an overtaking lane where I pop out, but since it was horses I went gentle. If I'd floored it I probably would have been just enough further up the road to cop her car head on and things would have been much different.

Oh and dash cam power plug had popped out when I hopped in the car at home so no crazy footage either. I'll remember the dirt wave well enough without it anyway. Best I have is after the ambos got there. Facing the wrong way to see her car anyway.


I left my business card with the husband who arrived later and a cop just in case but they said a single vehicle accident like that probably wouldn't require investigation.

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 17y 3m 5d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Probably above atmospheric pressure

Coincidentally enough the odometer passed 266,666km on the way to my first job today, possibly very close to the time of the accident! @_@

Good news from the husband, everyone seems fine. His preggo wife is in for observation just in case though.

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