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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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I don't think much of the Invos, I find them pretty noisy and the tread favours cornering traction over straight line traction. For the first 500km I hated them, so greasy, wanted to go back to the old sport maxx! After that they started hooking up ok, now just a chirp or 3 into second in my stock F6 manual, first gear is useful enough, second gear is ok. Wouldn't get them again.

I just picked up a set of Michelin Pilot Sport 3 for my father in law for half the local retail price. KTAS actually beat a price from Tempe, $154 each fitted for 235/40/18s for my father in law's BMW, they weren't happy about it but they did it. Worth a shot to just show them the net price of these grey importers and you might get lucky. I don't think I've ever got a tyre that cheap in my life.

As for spotted, white G6E XFG767 on the kwinana last night or the night before, cleanest car I'd seen for a week, I've seen a pic of this before, hot as hell. Was sad that he didn't open it up as he passed me near the roe hwy clusterfck merge point, really wanted to hear that exhaust.

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Thanks bud

Should sound better in a month with GTX and mods.

And busted my spotted cherry!

Edited by GeGe6
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  • Member For: 17y 11m 23d
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I've had mine on my car for at least 10,000km's easy and close to 12 months so maybe closer to 20k kms. they were grippy to start with and now are average and I'm only running std F6 power. The rears are still legal though :)

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  • Member For: 12y 5m 10d
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  • Location: Perth, Western Australia

That seems to be the going thing with Invo's, great to begin with but wear and lose traction too fast. Could the rumour of the now lower quality also be due to people being able to find them at better prices?

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Who else has Invos with the lowest powered Automatic and how are they?

Krazy Kyle I'm looking at you

Corrected for forum. Only have them on the front, but was a little disapointed after the track day last year. expected them to hold on a bit more around corners, especially with the Tein coilovers. So same as others, went in expecting a lot but results have not met expectations. Im keen for a set of Potenza's RE003's next. Missus is taking her car to No Limits track day next Thursday at barbs. Keen to see how the new set on her car goes. (CAMS licence needed for most Barb's days btw)

I don't think much of the Invos, I find them pretty noisy and the tread favours cornering traction over straight line traction. For the first 500km I hated them, so greasy, wanted to go back to the old sport maxx! After that they started hooking up ok, now just a chirp or 3 into second in my stock F6 manual, first gear is useful enough, second gear is ok. Wouldn't get them again.

Mentioned in a post a few pages back, tyres will take around 500kms to remove the releasing agent and for the tyre to settle in.

And as for the age of tyres, all have the date of manafacture on them if anyone is interested in the age of their rubber. its marked in "the week and year" the tyre was made. EG "3214" is week 32 of 2014.


for those interested..... the site has everything you could ask about tyres (or tires, cos Murica), Pressures, types, wet/dry, wear/traction ratings, breaking in info etc.

Passed my road bike licence.... now to use my car mod money to buy a bike..... Steve, seriously, it just doesnt seem like its gonna happen.

Edited by Krazy Kyle
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