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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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  • To Loud
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Rotflol, I heard this previously when you sold your last one and got so e other car, then you got a falcon again.

You must loose money buying and selling cars all the time?

I recokon you get the vw golf TDI as it is turbo and super charged and has low numbers like 7l/100km I think.

The only down side is that it is a small car.

Murdok do you live in the area or do you work in the area? I work in the area and that was taken at the corner of Roe and kalamunda rd.

Steve I am also curious how much it cost that senator chargered. Do you know much it cost Phill?

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Was telling the boys at the cruise the other night that a bloke I work with just had his 6spd VE Senator supercharged by active auto's.

Asked him today how its going.

568hp at the treads makes him a happy man !!

I was wondering what active automotive was..

Saw a vy ss around the corner from me a few weeks ago with big active automotive stickers down the side.. I thought wow those stickers look stupid bet it's a standard ss. Then I hear a ferocious spool up sound over the roaring v8 and the thing flew down the road half sideways in a massive cloud of tyre smoke.. Sounded amazing I bet your mates doesn't sound half bad either!

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  • Thooperrrrrrr
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Oh also should mention that I only want to spend 12k or less.

The Golf was what I wanted, SC + Turbo and I think was 6.5l/100km but that model is about 16 grand.

If I sell mine, I think I'll get roughly 16k for it, so I want to try get some extra over what I buy so I can put it on the loan.

Lots of decisions but not rushing into it yet. Got no hurry

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Farking cars. I was thinking of doing the same ciaren. Sell expensive to run and maintain rig, buy cheap econimical rig, be rich. But when I weighed up all the options I just couldn't bring myself to sell my car for what its market value is. I'll wait another year to be at my financial goals and keep myself sane while doing it. Tooemotionallyattachedtovehicle.

But you should always chase your goals, this is just my experience with a similar situation

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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My goals are to enjoy life, a big part of that is my car. If I sold it even ignoring sentimental value, I'd be bored out of my skull on the road. At least 1.5 hours each day driving, usually double that. I do what I can to offset the running costs. Buying a cheap daily would cost me thousands in the short term and would take a long time to recoup the petrol and running costs...meanwhile I am driving a total POS. Bzzzzt!

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  • Thooperrrrrrr
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  • Member For: 13y 2m 22d
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  • Location: NOR, Western Australia

Yep I hear ya, which is why I'm looking at the VW range, nice little cars and if I get the right one, they have a bit of punch to them. Save me a fortune while also having a bit of oomph behind me for those little squirts.

I've been looking at wagons/hatches purely because I always seem to be moving things, and never have enough room in my falcon to get things moved. My mums Nissan Tida has a shyt load more space because of the hatch factor so would like something along those lines. If not, the Jetta sedan (super and turbo charged) would be a nice daily.

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