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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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hi boys and girls....

anyone had a clutch pedal sucked back to the floor on a hard launch (or any other scenario?)

dunno if its a fault, or a mechanical happening caused by design.

have had it on maybe, 6? occasions.

elevated revs, in first, clutch in, start coming off the clutch, feed more throttle, keep lifting the foot, "hey where the fook is my pedal gone", feels like its still grabbing hard, keep the foot buried, run out of revs, 'stab' the tiny bit of clutch travel you have and pull 2nd, and hey presto, the pedal comes back.

and then the clutch smell comes through the cabin (though I must admit, ford clutches don't smell half as bad as some others ive smelt)

so yeah, ideas. thoughts.

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  • To Loud
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#96, you have no idea what a relief it is to be reading the post above. I thougt I was the only one with those issues!!!

I believe it has something to do with the launch control of the car.

Try and turn of Traction control and then do the same thing and see what happens.

The trick is to be at a stand still, put the car in first and then rev to 3500rpm.

Then you will hear the motor changes it's humming and you know you got the right revs.

Then when you ready, dump the clutch and let it do it's thing. The car will be all over the place as you will not have TC on, BUT your clutch will not be "gone" per say.

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I can't remember if my clutch peddle stays down, but the three times iv tried to launch mine the clutch has just slipped and stunk out the cabin. Revs keep climbing and the car slows down. This started happening after only a few thousand ks on the clock. All times were with Tc off.

Also noticed the other day, among the myriad of rattles and odd noises the car makes being started in the morning, one of them can be silenced by depressing the clutch

Sent from my GT-I9505 using Motorculture mobile app

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Masda, I have a trained left index finger.

When I select first gear, it extends and bumps the TC button.

Can't remember the last time I drove with it on (for those concerned over saftey, abs remains active. And esc still works when yhe brake pedal is applied)

Every launch has been done with tc off.

I don't dump the clutch at get it loose, I control the clutch out, because as far as I know, the "launch control" is only really a 2 step, bringing rpm up, cutting spark, and fueling the turbo where it ignites and spools, giving you more boost than would typically be available at that low throttle %.

When I get to control the clutch, nothing smells.

When it sucks down, you know about it. (but unlike woodyz I still get plenty of drive. Still ran a low 13sec et doing that)

I swear I've asked this before now :/ haha.

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All manual fg turbos have it.

And as best I can tell, its nothing but a good thing.

Boosts off the line, no lag. (plus the stutter pop and fart it does at 3500rpm sounds mint)

Just a sh*ty clutch I think.

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Fark haven't been on here for a while!

Quick question, anyone with the 6spd Auto have you changed your diff gears to a different ratio, and do you recommend it.

Want a bit more off the line and a bit of a quicker jump during roll-ons

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"...at Powercruise"

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