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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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  • Member For: 16y 9m 28d
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  • Location: Probably above atmospheric pressure

From the cruise ideas thread for those who missed it:

Some people have missed cruises due to not checking the forum in time, so I've made a facebook group (cheers Ben for the idea).

I do not have the FB contact of everyone here though so get in touch with me if you aren't in the group and are keen.

I will still be posting in the forum and things like polls will still be run here.


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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 16y 9m 28d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Probably above atmospheric pressure

As soon as the friend request goes through!

Ordered myself a long overdue upgrade last week, can't wait until it's here!!

Edited by -SteveR-
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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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  • Member For: 16y 9m 28d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Probably above atmospheric pressure

LOL both wrong :P

Gaming PC is ages old, still on Core2Duo and with GTX460 vid card! Runs things OK, budget is for car now...

And no not a new car, almost paid this one off, not about to get another debt going! Accepting SC 5.0 donations though.

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 16y 9m 28d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Probably above atmospheric pressure


Jon Sanders Drive all the way to Cott, stoked.

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 16y 9m 28d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Probably above atmospheric pressure

Sorry about radio volume, I even had it turned down for the vids but not low enough...


Oh yeah, spotto a yellow B series turbo on West Coast Hwy, hopefully he heard the forum name as I yelled it at him!

Edited by -SteveR-
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