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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Yeah it will always come down too price, I dont see location as being an Issue for most people NOR, If your closer too midland and you cant be arsed driving alllllllllllll the way too malaga or vice versa, perhaps owning and maintaining a modified car may not be the best option :dontknow:..? :P

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  • Donkey Dick
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I agree, my GTR is tuned in Malaga & the Calais in Bibra Lake, yet I live in Rocko and have literally hundreds of workshops in between that are more than likely cheaper. I go where the results are... WA Perf & ASG are where it's at in the Jap/LSX markets.

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  • Dropping a turd
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I agree Luke , if money is tight and you need to penny pinch, best not start to modify one of these cars.

I dont always just judge things on price. Most of the time you pay for Quality.

Iam so busy at work, I can almost charge what I want. If my clients are have to pay for the service I offer with the quality I provide , then things wont change. If the work dries up then I may have to rethink my pricing structure.

This is the same for any business.

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  • Donkey Dick
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Economics 101, basic supply & demand principles.

Lower price, higher volume > higher price, lower volume for maximum profit in most examples. Gets a bit more complex when dealing with specialty products/services such as performance tuning & product retail as manhours can be eaten up quite quickly, turning a highly profitable job into a loss.

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  • Get It To Wheelspin Uncontrolably Then Give It Another 5 Pounds
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What Dean said, but once again, but because its also service based (ontop of parts), $500 more with tuner #1 now could save u the cost of a rebuild 6 months down the track if tuner #2 stuffed it up. Workmanship is usually, but not always, extra, due to peoples review and extra business. Every1 wants the best, and if u can find it for less then u take it.


have no personal experience with it yet, but ive heard mixed responses about every major tuner in town. makes it hard to choose.

Edited by Krazy Kyle
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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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The minit this tunes into a pissing contest posts will be getting pulled. Only subjective FIRST HAND experience please people. No hearsay.

PS what's wrong with this picture. (the first person too mention the shoe and/or shoelace gets a month :shakefist: )


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