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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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What a dangerous world we live in! Foot injuries from standing and dealing cards!!! lol.

Just installed an 80GB (cheapest good speed Intel drive available) SSD into my PC. Check out old RAID-0 (2 500GB drives acting as one) benchmark vs the new SSD:

HDTune_Benchmark_Intel___Raid_0_Volume.png vs HDTune_Benchmark_INTEL_SSDSA2CW080G3.png

Of course I'm keeping the 1TB RAID array for storage of all my files, especially the big videos. Cruise videos that is...lots of cruises. I really like the all female cruise videos the best...

Edited by -SteveR-
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  • Dropping a turd
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YES these sort of compo injuries can be devastating.

David Carlton: Tell me, Ali, do you have a job?

Ali G: Unfortunately, I iz recently gone on the dole...

David Carlton: Really? When?

Ali G: Eight years and three months ago.

David Carlton: Says here you claim disability benefit, are you...?

Ali G: Yes, I iz actually spasticated. I iz got a terrible DJ'ing injury - I still ain't got full mobility in me main mixing finger...

[starts to air-mix, winces, feigns pain, and stops. Notices Carlton's fit secretary looking at him, so he points to his crotch]

Ali G: Everything down there's still working, though! Oh, yes..

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  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 14y 5m 9d
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  • Location: Perth,WA

What a dangerous world we live in! Foot injuries from standing and dealing cards!!! lol.

Just installed an 80GB (cheapest good speed Intel drive available) SSD into my PC. Check out old RAID-0 (2 500GB drives acting as one) benchmark vs the new SSD:

HDTune_Benchmark_Intel___Raid_0_Volume.png vs HDTune_Benchmark_INTEL_SSDSA2CW080G3.png

Of course I'm keeping the 1TB RAID array for storage of all my files, especially the big videos. Cruise videos that is...lots of cruises. I really like the all female cruise videos the best...

They're pretty awesome aren't they Steve. I've had one in my PC for a while(paid a premium for it too cause they were only just on the market,over $500 for 120GB) and recommend them. I also bought one and put it in my PS3 when its hard drive failed and wow!

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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
  • Donating Members
  • Member For: 17y 6d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Probably above atmospheric pressure

Have a third (4th now) internal drive which I copy files to for backup. No offsite backup for me so a fire/theft will f*ck me but I accept that.

Have run RAID-0 over 6 drives (about 7 years) now and never lost data (did have one fail once but it rebuilt ok!)

In summary, RAID-0 is boss, and if I had the cash I'd have done the same with 2x Intel SSDs!

Edit...if I was REALLY baller I'd go 3 or more drive RAID with parity but the cheap spare internals for backup of critical files are fine. I can stand reinstalling apps if my stripe ever died!

Edited by -SteveR-
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