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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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steve im a designer at gemmill homes and I can tell you now some people make the stupidest mistakes designing their own homes take a look at our site if u see anything you like I could probably hook you up dunno if id be able to do as good as arron thou have a sqwiz the majestic is going for a steal atm and its a nice home probably our most popular this year.

Edited by xr6t_menace
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  • Donkey Dick
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Now my mate tells me you can get a s/c GT for 60k on road....

Where from? Last price check I did only turned up a GS for that sort of money, which meant lots & lots of laughter ensued!

Hey Mat, How much did your tiling cost. My guy wants $50 per mtr layed including glue. I supply the tiles.

That's a good price if Grouting is also included Arron.

What are peoples thoughts on designing your own/getting own tradies for various stages as vs picking a home with a building company (ideal homes seems good?) and letting them do the legwork? I'm told we could save up to like 50 grand? I imagine it's a big hassle coordinating it though?

Steve, it's $50k extra for a reason. There is a heap of work involved when trying to co-ordinate a project as big as building a house for a newb. I'd probably go with an 'Off The Shelf' plan & let someone qualified manage the construction phase for your first home. Try & be there as much as you can while it's going up & be involved anywhere you can to pick up hints/tips for next time :spoton:

Edited by Slash
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Steve, unless money is no problem just find a company you like and see what they have or what their sister companies have etc.

My other bit of advice is unless you are really motivated or genuinely have tradie mates, get everything done by the builder.

I worked out that I was stung about 6k more than what I should have paid to have only downlights (cept the garage), driveway and alfresco, upgraded blinds and all sorts of other sh*t done etc but the result is I now move into a complete house that doesn't need carpets, tiles etc

I only had a budget of about 300k for my house so I just went to all the display villages, met some complete douche bag salesmen and eventually found a house I liked and just added on to it. Some pretty unusual house designs around lately that's for sure!!

Dean, my mate showed me his receipt for $60,3xx K but I do wonder if that was before on roads

Edited by Mat
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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Some good tips thanks fellas. Jen is keen on the building ourselves route as we know plasterer, electrician, plumber, architect, roofer and I think one or two more tradies...but we know it'll be a f*ck load of work. We've seen some nice houses around the 230-250sqm size for 167,000 for example from Ideal Homes which includes a fair bit of quality stuff apparently, but I'm still unsure of exactly what, they mentioned partial flooring from memory. As long as it's lock up and doesn't have live wires hanging out the place it would probably be suitable :)

Will show Jen those homes this arvo, thanks Arron and xr6t_menace!

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  • Slippery when dry
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Dont be afraid to tackle your brakes Steve....do a little research as I know you would and you will be fine...

I have done the brakes on my cars for many,many years and never once had something come loose on me......that said, brakes are obviously not something to mess with if you are unsure about things.....

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Another thing with owner building is you need to have 40% of the deposit. I was going to do owner builder until I found out that.

I am building with affordable homes. The sales reps name is Shannon and he has gone up and beyond to get us the best price and house we want. If you want his number send me a message man.

Theres ups and downs for both owner building and going through a company. If you do go a company read every fine detail. We first approached w.a housing center. He tried taking us for a ride big time.

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