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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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I think the ford name for black is sudsphilia, from the Latin "Hope you have a cleaning fetish". Do look great when clean though, they allow you to see reflections the best since they are darkest I reckon.

you mean like this?


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Can only see blue rims @_@

But yeah, I mean like that! Black doesn't show it's own reflections as much (absorbs the most light) so what you see in the clear/wax really shows up.

PS nice bump on car for sale hahaha :)

Edited by -SteveR-
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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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So anyone here in WA got their ZF box tuned yet?

My days of tuning boxes are over, I found a keeper. And I think I convinced her the plan is she buys me 2 birthdays worth of ZF tune and I chip in the rest, muhahaha.

Do really want to get some customer reviews though. Like 5-10 of them.

PS from here http://www.fordforums.com.au/showthread.php?t=11338425&page=3

Well, all is done and she’s back at home. The weather doesn’t permit much play for now but from what I’ve already noticed... WOW! This has made an amazing gearbox even more pleasurable and responsive. Gear changes are sharper and shorter, no thump what so ever going down from 2nd to 1st. I had a little poke in sports mode from 40-80 and the shift points between gear changes have definitely decreased. Changes were sharp and quick, even more so than in normal [D]rive mode. Seems even more responsive now but as I said, I haven’t really been able to put it through its paces. This is just on first impressions... which is nothing short of extraordinary!

I will update the boys at Blue Power once I’ve had some more time driving it in over the next few days and weeks. All in all, the gearbox is already responding in a way that makes my eye’s pop!

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I dunno what names are what colours but black cars ftw

that makes me happy, but the orange that DJ Kice had is the bomb. looks so sweet with black rims and a orange lip.

ohh, and now I feel special cos I created a whole page of comments about something :werd:

Edited by Krazy F6310
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Update #500000000

Called up insurance, insurance has already ordered new engine (correct one I hope, their mechanic seemed to think it was a BA not a BF). I told them I want my mechanic working on the car and they asked why. So I explained its a performance vehicle so I want someone who is experienced in working on performance cars rather than someone who works on family cars. He said that's your choice but if you go with your repairer you don't get a lifetime guarantee. I replied that I wont need a lifetime guarantee if I know the person who's doing the work knows what he is doing....


Pending R&R prices from Simon, engine ordered by insurance will be fitted by Simon.

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"hoon" laws FTW!

Old mate abo who drove the getaway stato in my recent noongyar dealings has had his car crushed!! Only bought it about 6 weeks ago for about 6k!

Turns out the ipads / iPhones / other crap they recovered weren't ours either

Edited by Mat
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Everyone knows that Ego is the best colour.....

agreed. It looks sexy like black but without the cleaning issues

Update #500000000

Called up insurance, insurance has already ordered new engine (correct one I hope, their mechanic seemed to think it was a BA not a BF). I told them I want my mechanic working on the car and they asked why. So I explained its a performance vehicle so I want someone who is experienced in working on performance cars rather than someone who works on family cars. He said that's your choice but if you go with your repairer you don't get a lifetime guarantee. I replied that I wont need a lifetime guarantee if I know the person who's doing the work knows what he is doing....


Pending R&R prices from Simon, engine ordered by insurance will be fitted by Simon.

Sounds like a win

"hoon" laws FTW!

Old mate abo who drove the getaway stato in my recent noongyar dealings has had his car crushed!! Only bought it about 6 weeks ago for about 6k!

Turns out the ipads / iPhones / other crap they recovered weren't ours either

Poor Old mate abo cant catch a break :roflmbo:

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  • Slippery when dry
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They crushed the car cause you just cant get that stink out no matter what....its either burn it or crush it hahaha....Grug would love to see the look on that mechanics face everytime you turn him down!!!!! seems like you have been able to stitch this guy up every time :VB Beer: good sh*t mate....

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  • Get It To Wheelspin Uncontrolably Then Give It Another 5 Pounds
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hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.... love the comment Chippa.

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