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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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:roflmbo: :popcorn:

Mat, is that your new house? Boss told us one of the customers was getting 3.5MB (megabytes) a second, that's very roughly about 35-40 megabits, through a fibre connection. ADSL2+ maxes at about 20megabits.

You'll certainly need a bunch of 2TB hard drives if that's teh case, you'll go crazy downloading!

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  • Get It To Wheelspin Uncontrolably Then Give It Another 5 Pounds
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Hey Steve, how do u go about getting that sh*t? I would LOVE cable speeds... Hell, id like anything better than what I have. Lag is seriously lame.

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  • Totally not a Cop
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Unless you are in a new estate that has Telstra Velocity (Residential fibre), it'll be beyond krazy in costs. I'm talking thousands and thousands of dollars p/a plus initial setup fee which can be in the 5 digits.

As Steve said, ADSL2+ will cap at about 24mbps if you're lucky. I've never seen it that high though as you need to be the perfect distance from your exchange, too close and you'll get echo on your line, too far and you'll have too much attenuation.

If you really want to spend your money to get faster porn, look into Bonded DSL. Basically, you rent two copper lines into your house, and they both go into a single modem, which duplexes them. If you're getting 18mbps on ADSL2, on Bonded you would get roughly double that depending on the second line.

Better off just waiting for the NBN.

Edited by Crashed
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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Unless you are in a new estate that has Telstra Velocity (Residential fibre

I Haz this. Fuggin rocks. Pluging a cat5e cable directly in the fibre optic hub outside results in ridiculous speed.

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