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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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  • Get It To Wheelspin Uncontrolably Then Give It Another 5 Pounds
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  • Member For: 13y 11m 6d
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haha, yes, u got me Colin. was in Morley getting some stuff for my stereo. just as I was leaving I saw a blue WRX cop car pulling over a commadore.

and as for that info, im not a member.. so waiting till I get approved. hope its soon or ill have to google it elsewhere

Thanks though ;)

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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and im on day 15 of my 21 days off ;). also trying to work out how to pull my car apart... esp door skins... info any1?

If it makes you feel any better, I make explosives and it's so fun. :)

Answers been staring you in the face whole time Kyle.....

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  • Get It To Wheelspin Uncontrolably Then Give It Another 5 Pounds
  • Cruise Control
  • Member For: 13y 11m 6d
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  • Location: Work

u COULD actually help Luke... im sure u have a good idea how to but I know u enjoy just making fun. hows the weather up there?

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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u COULD actually help Luke... im sure u have a good idea how to but I know u enjoy just making fun. hows the weather up there?

Your right I COULD help but since everybody enjoys hanging shit on me I figured fair's fair..... :)

Weather is glorious mate mid 20's not a cloud in the sky....

seriously tho my top tip for getting FG door trims off is GET OFF THE FORUM AND GO OUT AND DO IT..... :poke:

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  • Get It To Wheelspin Uncontrolably Then Give It Another 5 Pounds
  • Cruise Control
  • Member For: 13y 11m 6d
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  • Location: Work

fitting a stereo sucks... im over it b4 ive begun... esp cos my new speakers are splits, and also need their own power supply. and the fuse panel is a pain in the arse to get power out of.

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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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Don't you facilitate electron flow for a living?

+1 for stereo fitting sucking big hairy balls, all my gears still sitting in boxes in the bathroom in my shed cause I can't be arsed faffing around running cabling etc

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  • Get It To Wheelspin Uncontrolably Then Give It Another 5 Pounds
  • Cruise Control
  • Member For: 13y 11m 6d
  • Gender: Male
  • Location: Work

Don't you facilitate electron flow for a living?

indeed, but doesnt make installing a stereo any easier. I deal with REAL power... like 220kV.... (and sometimes 240v). seriously, any1 wanna do it for me b4 sunday? cos I think if I remove all the seats, doorskins and centre console I wont be able to/to lazy to put it back together

:edit: dont have a drill either... its at work. like 2000km away. ohh, and Luke, its raining with storms back here.. u may be stuck in karratha.... :hohum:

Edited by Krazy F6310
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