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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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  • Manual mode ________________________ All day, erryday
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Mine's on the way out too. Simon had a squiz at it today after I said I was concerned about noise at engine off...bit of a not so smooth grind sound...booked in to Titan's next week to let them have a gander. Warranty expires early next month!!! Got a few other things for them to fix too (boot lap join rust underneath, cracked drivers seat since I'm just SO FAT :buttrock: ).

Hope mine's not off being stripped for a week or more :/

edit...must sort out the turbo oil filter once this is done >_>

double edit... How's the lappy there Simon? Bought a backup drive I hope :buttrock:

triple edit........group buy on turbo actuators. Should I get one Simon? Others? I'm adding cooler, 5" cat, 42lb injectors and tune... at what point do you need to change the actuator?

Edited by -SteveR-
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Well.. they probably haven't started on your car. Whats the go with your turbo any ways?? you break it?

A ticking/tapping sound on boost when its cold :buttrock:. Will call them tomorrow and ask whats taking so dam long.. Need it back so I can get it to Simons for a little upgrade in time for WAW :D Oh and I start back at work on Monday, might need it for that :D

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