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WA Spotted & Chit Chat Thread


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perfect con apart from a little bit of a strain on drivers seat... other then that wonderful car...

Lol you got excited a little bit in the seat?? Besides girls are probably the reason your broke. Harden up get ya junk out and wipe your eyes

Congrats Ross!! :clap:

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  • 12" member
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Only a few bottles of wine away from the lingerie parade / pillow fights. that's why you play the brownie points card and bust out the passion pop!

haha mate im 32, that almost never happens !!! any more than 3 chicks max and they do not get naked and start kissing and wrestling... 2 chicks some accessories and a good hotel room works though haha.. so ive been told

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  • Member For: 17y 9m 18d
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I notice you said "almost"... Actually I can confirm that more than 3 girls will get drunk, naked and kiss (we'll leave it there on this PG forum). Good old woolies in the days before they hired only indians

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them.

When old mate Laurance Binyon wrote that verse, perhaps he wasnt talking about war but about milfs!

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  • loitering with intent
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Actually I can confirm that more than 3 girls will get drunk, naked and kiss (we'll leave it there on this PG forum). Good old woolies in the days before they hired only indians

hahahaha , sooo true. I was a store manager back in the late 80s early 90s .One of the stores I managed was close to the Uni and had a Uni pub over the road. Lets say a good time was hadomg1.gif

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  • 12" member
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hahah yeh true, its rare though unfortunately haha.... last time I saw more than 3 doing all that (and a lot more) was in Patong over NYE and about 5 years ago at a mates housewarming where about 10 got drunk, stripped off and got in the spa at my mates house.. coppers rocked up 1st time and 4 opened the door, still naked... coppers didnt leave for a good 45 minutes even though there was no excess noise or visible drug use etc haha they loved the pizza and perve

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  • Member For: 17y 9m 18d
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  • Location: Caracciola Karussell

LOL Buff, I bet the early 90's would have been good.

I was there for 5 years in total (as a diary manager I took home $472 a week...) and if there's one thing they did well, it was bring young people together.

We used to go to Breaky / craic (now bar120) on a wednesday night and we'd go home when it closed, have a shower and go to work still off our chops. Some of the parties were insane. I remember one of the boys (now a tatoo artist in Perth), climbed up the pallet racking to the second level, slept behind some boxes and no one had any clue he was there. Moving pallets and all sorts around him.

Lots of potential in those days. Dunno about now.

The "butchers" were the ones you had to watch. Instore fornication and all sorts.

They tried to get me to become a butcher but it was only woolies who recognised the qualification. I spoke to a proper butcher and they just laughed when I told them my plans. Did well out of their shares. From memory I started when they were still around $15.00

LOL Nang, just a normal night in Thailand!! Probably ladybois!

Edited by Mat
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  • HOON
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I just found the first photo I took of my car and then a photoshop I did of it back in 2007. Ahh the memories!!

This was my car when I purchased it.


I called this photoshop "dreamversion.jpg".


I got the car looking pretty similar at one stage I reckon!

Oh and RIP_HSV, how did you get to drive one of those? Would have been awesome fun!

Rob Watson, owner of Watsons Transport own a few of them, have been doing some paving at his place so he gave us tickets, only got four laps in but what a rush, 800 hp on the dirt!!

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  • 12" member
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ROFL nah the housewarming was round the corner from my house, the 4 or 5 chicks making a human ring lying down was in one of the ping ping shows just off bangla.. gotta see that sh*t at least once haha.. poor budgie too haha

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Nice work with the 10.

ROFL nah the housewarming was round the corner from my house, the 4 or 5 chicks making a human ring lying down was in one of the ping ping shows just off bangla.. gotta see that sh*t at least once haha.. poor budgie too haha

YES *writes down ideas for own housewarming*

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