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Can Best Friends Ever Be Life-time Partners?

Dr Z

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So u coming round xmas day? Always a spare seat at our house.

Mind you we are in vic.

Ditto at Flukeys. You're welcome if you are in town.

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having reread this thead I stick with the call whatever will b will b. Z man if you are in doubt just send her the link and I am sure it will all become clear to you both :sleepystuff:

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Your welcome at my joint for xmas Dr-Z :crybaby: ...can't have a respected member eating and drinking alone :nono:

Unfortunately the invite don't extend to your ex :sick: ...she sounds like a real piece of work :gooff:

Hope it all pans out for you mate :w00t2:

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  • Formerly Turbo6
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Geeez Doc, that story is a shocker. Mate, I would be far angrier at the ex-wife than you appear to be which is very admirable of you.................

With the friend thing, mate, grieve first. Everything needs to be cleared from your head, your mum, the loss of child and the bust up of marriage. You really need to deal with these things first before embarking on the "friend" because by the sounds of it, it will definitely happen, just give it the attention it sounds like it deserves and you cannot open that door until the others are closed. I had the two doors opened together and the "friend" very nearly gave up on me and I realise it wasn't fair to her - all is good now though (thank goodness), married with first child on the way..............

There is nothing anyone can say to make this even remotely better for you other than to just commiserate with you. Mate, chin up and keep going. Failure is NOT an option! And can someone local PLEASE take him for a spin............

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bloody hell mate, and I thought I had it bad when my x tooke of with my best mate. gee I miss my mate (NOT)

On the other hand I spent a few years hateing all women untill on day a really good friend of mine that I had not seen for a long while because of my x came to see me from interstate and the moment we saw each other it was like we had never been appart and we were married witin 3 months an it is the best thing that has ever happened to me..

I would say just hang back untill the fall out stops then go for it , it may not work but you never know.. GOOD LUCK

And dont dwell on the past .. Go forward HAVE A GREAT XMASS

Ashley :crybaby:

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Sorry to hear of your plight although I have not experienced the same losses as you I can understand your sorrow and pain. This year I too have busted up with my wife of 17 years and I am not looking forward to Xmas as a broken family so hard on the kids. In addition I cannot believe the bitterness and venom she is showing towards me and our daughter, who has supported me through ex's attempts to have me convicted on trumped up domestic violence charges.

Although I do not have the benefit of such a fine friend as you, I do have my kids who are my life at the moment. As some have said I do not believe you should rush into anything with your special friend. You should ensure you have completed the grieving process and reestablished your life, softly softly.

One thing is for certain, I hope, is if life does deal you a few bad hands, good honest people do triumph in the end and will find their happiness.

Chin up things can only get better for you and hey wishing you a merry christmas.

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You have us here and although for most of the year we are nothing more than text on your screen the peoples I know that have met you, myself included hold you in very high esteem.

The question was I believe "Can Best Friends Ever Be Life-time Partners?, "

The answer is simply a resounding YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Of course you can... But you have to be a man and you have to have those things Mattson referred to in his Kayaking thread...

Sometimes things are not going to go the way you want them too, but the most admirable thing you can do is stay focussed on your beliefs and plans and if they all revolved around your girl.. Well .. You will feel a pain like no pain you have ever felt before.... If they revolve around you and your morals and principals .... Then that is probably the bloke she met and your kids thought you were....

Got a lot to do with how big your Jubliees are I think......

Someone once wrote




I saw this written on a Tombstone once and I have never forgotten it

"I expect to pass through this world but once; any good thing therefore that I can do, or any kindness that I can show to any fellow creature, let me do it now; let me not defer or neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again." - anon

Xmas is for giving..... It;s not about us and how we feel its about how we can make others feel.. I give HSV drivers the finger and expect nothing in return...

So do what I did and buy a Typhoon and tell everyone else to go suk lemons.. (unless they are lesbians tell them to go suk some suger *)

* I am available for *beep* suger nights Mon - Fri 6am -10 pm.. Later with appointment.

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