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Tapping Noise


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Could somebody help please before I start pulling things to pieces?

Yesterday I was driving in a slow line of cars and had to brake all the time.

Every time I braked I got a tap...tap...tapping sound that seemed to come from the left rear brake area. It only happened when I was braking really slow and was not very loud but annoying. I am still under warranty but the cars been modded so I can guess what they will say,so I was going to have a look myself. Any info would be appreciated.


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I had the same thing from both rear brakes. Had it fixed at service time but had to take the mechanic for a drive for him to hear it. Don't know what they did but I can see traces of a reddish liquid around the area of the pads if that helps.

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  • Team Bute
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Could be something as simple as the handbrake needing adjustment.

It's a warranty issue, unless you have modified your brakes, of course.

It's got nought to do with any engine mods.


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This is the red stuff.


Was the red stuff before or after the service? If it was after it looks like the

grease you put between the brake pads and the plates to stop squeeling. Were you getting a squeel or a tapping sound? I think my problem has gone and could have been a stone between the rotor and the backing plates(I hope it was).

Thanks for the help.

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The redstuff is antisqueel and is designed to create a soft buffer between the backing plates of the caliper and the pads.

The problem you have described could be caused by a slight warping of the disks and causing the pads to knockoff the disk and making a slight knocking noise as the caliper makes up the gap between the pad/caliper and disk. It could also be a loose caliper, it is best to have it checked out.

It could also be caused by foreign material between the pad and disk, but this is would result in a grind rather than a tap.

I hope it has fixed itself.

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This is the red stuff.


Was the red stuff before or after the service? If it was after it looks like the

grease you put between the brake pads and the plates to stop squeeling. Were you getting a squeel or a tapping sound? I think my problem has gone and could have been a stone between the rotor and the backing plates(I hope it was).

Thanks for the help.


The red stuff was applied during the service by the dealership. They said they checked handbrake and other things and took a while to locate the brake noise and this did it. I was surprised that this fixed it as the noise was exactly as you descirbed - a tap...tap...tap when braking lightly at slow speed, like when travelling slow in traffic in an auto. It happened as the brakes were constantly being lightly applied, not only when they were first applied.

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Sounds like the pad floating around a bit... uneven wear maybe? The red stuff could be something to hold the pad to the caliper itself... a bit like a silicone thingy.

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