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Anyone Used Car Stereo City?


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  • Benzene
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I got mine done at Alberts in morley, installed Deck, Amp and Sub with box  Charged me $1400 all up with me buying all the stuff from him. He used all monster cabling, gold fuses custom surround for the head unit. Highly recomended.


So they do a good job?? can you send me some pics? or can I see it? I just got a quote off them.. trying to screw em down a bit..

can't decide on the sub setup...

Car Stereo City.. good old Kevin and Soul.. well they blew up my 1507 when they put it in my magna and smoked out the car.. plus had to wait weeks for parts to get it fixed (not their fault) well kinda.. But they did fix it all and did me a great price on install.. not sure who is working for them at the back now.. but there was a little asian dude who was awsome.. and another guy Terry who now has his own shop in malaga (westside car audio) that my next stop to get a quote.. but I am not sure if they have done much work with the BA.. I know alberts has..


Terry is who I was talking about, he's not at that shop anymore he works from home.

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guys few things!

ozzy park is not there anymore they sold out! alberts apparently brought them out.... hence they massive sale they had and sold everythin a cost price... as for alberts morley they know there stuff but u got to be prepared to pay for it... and as for terry his a very good mate of mine... if u wont stuff done pm me and I can give u further details...

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  • Colossal Member
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I know the owner of Car Audio Excellence in Mirrabooka... he is the guy with the pinky coloured mercedes which has won him a lot of competitions. (Yes it's his wife's car)

If you are after quality and after sales service they are good, and the gear they sell is pretty specialised for high clarity stuff. They do a lot of installs and it might be worth asking them for advice and a price. I dont know if he will be cheap, but I can vouch for the quality. His name is Paul.

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Yeah ive used car stereo city in Balcatta. Popped two of my tyres the (unts, both times left with bolts and screw through them. Pi$$ed off. I have since found an audio genius, (top end car audio) guy is called Wally. You name it he can do it. I reckon he could clone me if he tried. V trust worthy too.

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