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Van Nguyen


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  • ....Time to lay this fairytale aside......
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State sanctioned murder is not the answer, the death penalty is not a deterrent and never will be.

As you can guess I am not an advocate of the death penalty although awhile ago I was a pro selective capital punishment advocate, for mass murderers, serial killers, child rapist/murderers etc; but have come to realise that you can't be selective you are for or against.

Capital punishment is not justice it is revenge, and no justification for it changes that.

Of course people will rant...what about Saddam Hussain, Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, Son of Sam etc; my answer is, for the 'State' to kill them just brings the 'State' down to their level, so the 'State' is no better than them.

If we are to progress as sentient beings we have to encourage any country, belief system or government to abolish this medieval form of retribution.

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Received quite an offensive text in relation to this yesterday, glad I'm a happy go lucky kinda guy, strewth


Yea,come on ya big long *beep*,spill da beans,dobb the do gooder in.

vik...stupid do gooders

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State sanctioned murder is not the answer, the death penalty is not a deterrent and never will be.

As you can guess I am not an advocate of the death penalty although awhile ago I was a pro selective capital punishment advocate, for mass murderers, serial killers, child rapist/murderers etc; but have come to realise that you can't be selective you are for or against.

Capital punishment is not justice it is revenge, and no justification for it changes that.

Of course people will rant...what about Saddam Hussain, Hitler, Osama Bin Laden, Son of Sam etc; my answer is, for the 'State' to kill them just brings the 'State' down to their level, so the 'State' is no better than them.

If we are to progress as sentient beings we have to encourage any country, belief system or government to abolish this medieval form of retribution.


Ok,give me one reason why martin bryant should still be stealing oxygen from me

vik...not to mention my taxes :spoton::spoton::spoton:

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I'm with you all the way on that one Vik, the man is pure evil on 2 legs and it still makes my blood boil, and will never,ever, ever be released as he would be too much of a danger.

It's just a pitty it wasn't in Victoria as the cops would have soughted it all out with a high velocity intercranial lead injection on the spot for very little cost to the tax payers.

It is a insane that the tax payers of Tasmainia have to fund the scumbags existance, think back to the men,woman and children who were killed that day and the number of lives that have been changed forever, if there was ever a case where the death penalty should apply that is it. I don't care if he is "sick" or not.

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If anything I feel contempt for the little *beep* for putting his mother in such a position where she has to see here son get executed...

I don't feel the death penalty is the answer, but if it's law and you choose to break it then so be it. Your gonna die.

He would have known very well the risks(call it an occupational hazard) and still chose to take the gamble then he can - and now has, accepted the consequences...

Chris :spoton:

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If Van Nuyen had not been of Vietnames origin, would you views have been different?

I think Australains are more readily accepting death for Van Nguyen because he is asian.


Your kidding aren't you? So now we are all racist :spoton: 's to?

It has nothing to do with race. People such as yourself that are clutching at straws to justify their beliefs to others are the ones who make it about race...

Some of the bali 9 aren't asian. And personally I couldn't give a toss about them, and neither could most of australia. You just don't hear about it cause the whinging fukc minority groups are the only ones who make any noise about the issue. Noone else gives a :spoton:

As far as I'm concerned it's heroin that didn't make it to our streets and that's a good thing...

I have had personal experience with a good friend going off the rails from this sh*t and as such haven't heard from him for 5 years. Last I heard he was in jail...

It's nasty sh*t that destroys lives...

Chris :spoton:

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Did anyone cry for the people killed on our roads yesterday?

Did anyone cry for the people who died in hospital yesterday?

Did anyone cry for the old ones who passed away in old peoples homes yesterday?

Did anyone cry for the guys killed fishing off the QLD coast yesterday?

Did anyone cry for ther man killed in the storm in Canberra yesterday?

Did anyone cry for Rchard Burns former WRC World rally champion?

Did anyone cry for the treckies killed in the head on on the HWY yesterday

Where was their 1 minute of silence?


The real question that we should be asking is why did Singapore wait 3 years to hang him?

We do get our priorities wrong somedays. The bleeding hearts on the TV yesterday, blubbering like they had lost their own were unbelievable -

Anyway they can go back to blubbering about land rights for lesbian whales now!

God only help us when we have a real disaster on our hands. They won't be able to keep up!

ahhh..... that feels much better , Get me a beer its hot!

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Anyway they can go back to blubbering about land rights for *beep* whales now!


on a side note.... some say the death penalty is inhumane.... what goes on behind prison walls is also inhumane, or dp you guys think its fun and games in there??.... If I was in his shoes (vans), I would rather have death... it would be better for me and better for the tax payers that wouldnat have to pay for my sorry ar$e to be in jail for the next 50 years!!

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  • Seriously Flukey Member
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Did anyone cry for the people killed on our roads yesterday?

Did anyone cry for the people who died in hospital yesterday?

Did anyone cry for the old ones who passed away in old peoples homes yesterday?

Did anyone cry for the guys killed fishing off the QLD coast yesterday?

Did anyone cry for ther man killed in the storm in Canberra yesterday?

Did anyone cry for Rchard Burns former WRC World rally champion?

Did anyone cry for the treckies killed in the head on on the HWY yesterday

I think your logic is flawed Dallas.

Any loss of life is sad, however your examples above (probably) involved accidents, natural causes etc, not premeditated murder by a civilised nation like Singapore.

I wouldnt expect anyone to cry for drug dealers either.

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  • Sucker
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Did anyone cry for the people killed on our roads yesterday?

Did anyone cry for the people who died in hospital yesterday?

Did anyone cry for the old ones who passed away in old peoples homes yesterday?

Did anyone cry for the guys killed fishing off the QLD coast yesterday?

Did anyone cry for ther man killed in the storm in Canberra yesterday?

Did anyone cry for Rchard Burns former WRC World rally champion?

Did anyone cry for the treckies killed in the head on on the HWY yesterday

Where was their 1 minute of silence?


The real question that we should be asking is why did Singapore wait 3 years to hang him?

We do get our priorities wrong somedays. The bleeding hearts on the TV yesterday, blubbering like they had lost their own were unbelievable -

Anyway they can go back to blubbering about land rights for *beep* whales now!

God only help us when we have a real disaster on our hands. They won't be able to keep up!

ahhh..... that feels much better , Get me a beer its hot!



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