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Van Nguyen


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Look at the Bali 9. One of them was only a young man that looked like a little boy. He is facing the firing squad because he screwed up. ONCE!!. No chance for rehabilitaion if your dead is there.

Yes he only got caught once. does not meen he had not done it before.some have done it before but only get caught once. but once is all trhat is needed to get the noose or fireing squad depending on country.

DO THE CRIME DO THE TIME or loose a life whatever the laws of the country

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Guest FatBAt
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Look at the Bali 9. One of them was only a young man that looked like a little boy. He is facing the firing squad because he screwed up. ONCE!!. No chance for rehabilitaion if your dead is there.

Yes he only got caught once. does not meen he had not done it before.some have done it before but only get caught once. but once is all trhat is needed to get  the noose or fireing squad depending on country.

DO THE CRIME DO THE TIME  or loose a life whatever the laws of the country


The young guy hardly has hair on his nuts....Yeah....a real hardened criminal isn't he? You are only speculating. In other words...you don't know that he has done it before. No speculation about him he facing the firing squad if convicted.

You know....I would be real curious if you guys were actually related to one of these people on death row overseas to see if you still share the same passion about "string 'em up and lettem hang".

If they do the crime....send them to jail....don't kill them. You said THAT yerself.......


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Look at the Bali 9. One of them was only a young man that looked like a little boy. He is facing the firing squad because he screwed up. ONCE!!. No chance for rehabilitaion if your dead is there.

Yes he only got caught once. does not meen he had not done it before.some have done it before but only get caught once. but once is all trhat is needed to get  the noose or fireing squad depending on country.

DO THE CRIME DO THE TIME   or loose a life whatever the laws of the country

The young guy hardly has hair on his nuts....Yeah....a real hardened criminal isn't he? You are only speculating. In other words...you don't know that he has done it before. No speculation about him he facing the firing squad if convicted.

You know....I would be real curious if you guys were actually related to one of these people on death row overseas to see if you still share the same passion about "string 'em up and lettem hang".

If they do the crime....send them to jail....don't kill them. You said THAT yerself.......


if you were dumb (yes you) enough to smuglge drugs and get caught... would you want to sit behind bars until you die?? or would you prefer death??.

think craefully about this..... trust me, life behind bars is NOT pretty.... it is very cruel, and very violent. If you saw what happens behind bars, you probably would not be so much against the death penalty (that's if your against it as you believe it is not humane)

Yes hanging is barbaric, and, yes, lethal is injection is a more humane way to go. However these penalties do exist, and I for one support them. (the latter method anyway)

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  • Member For: 20y 13d
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The downfall of this country will be caused by the imagration policy we have at the moment.. We are letting in problem people that no other country wants, ..Its about time all the do gooders just shut there mouths ..No will listen to them when we are taken over by the imports, the do ggoers will be in the same sinking boat we all will be in.. The van wa*ker dude and family are imports and the whole lot of the are crooked,, if you look at the most of the Australians (and I use that term loosely) on death row in the world and most of them are imports, up untill the bali 9 there  were all imports, what does that tell people.. sh*t does not just happen ,assholes cause it.Its the imagration policy and that stupid fat b**ch that is running it , oh and all those wa*ker do gooders, we might as well  add in the bloody greenies as well .. 20 to 50 years is all I give it utill we are over run and then we will in major trouble. :spit:  :blush:


Are you associated with KKK? I guess you would prefer him to be burned on a cross along with the rest of his family and friends. :blush:

p.s. If you want to be part of Australia, learn the language properly. :blink:


hmm lern the language. wish I could it would be a great help

who gives a flying f*ck if I cant spel

I is dislexic ya know an no basturd gona help me now as I to old , I just gota help meself, the teachers at skool said I was gona be no good fer nuttin,

hmmm mabe I could get some drugs an hid them well an snook em back to astralaia I could affurd to git sum help OR DIE tryn, be better thin spindin ma lif in jall me thinks now where the f*cks me bed sheet wif the holes ina an ma burnin cross :spit:

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  • Member For: 20y 13d
  • Location: Cairns
Look at the Bali 9. One of them was only a young man that looked like a little boy. He is facing the firing squad because he screwed up. ONCE!!. No chance for rehabilitaion if your dead is there.

Yes he only got caught once. does not meen he had not done it before.some have done it before but only get caught once. but once is all trhat is needed to get  the noose or fireing squad depending on country.

DO THE CRIME DO THE TIME   or loose a life whatever the laws of the country


The young guy hardly has hair on his nuts....Yeah....a real hardened criminal isn't he? You are only speculating. In other words...you don't know that he has done it before. No speculation about him he facing the firing squad if convicted.

You know....I would be real curious if you guys were actually related to one of these people on death row overseas to see if you still share the same passion about "string 'em up and lettem hang".

If they do the crime....send them to jail....don't kill them. You said THAT yerself.......



do the crime in australia and do the time ... do the crime in a place that has the death penilty , well you just have to die then..

and if you know he hardly has hair on his balls well we dont need to know your personal intrestrests in him, we only know how stupid he has been :blink:

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Guest FatBAt
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Look at the Bali 9. One of them was only a young man that looked like a little boy. He is facing the firing squad because he screwed up. ONCE!!. No chance for rehabilitaion if your dead is there.

Yes he only got caught once. does not meen he had not done it before.some have done it before but only get caught once. but once is all trhat is needed to get  the noose or fireing squad depending on country.

DO THE CRIME DO THE TIME   or loose a life whatever the laws of the country


The young guy hardly has hair on his nuts....Yeah....a real hardened criminal isn't he? You are only speculating. In other words...you don't know that he has done it before. No speculation about him he facing the firing squad if convicted.

You know....I would be real curious if you guys were actually related to one of these people on death row overseas to see if you still share the same passion about "string 'em up and lettem hang".

If they do the crime....send them to jail....don't kill them. You said THAT yerself.......



do the crime in australia and do the time ... do the crime in a place that has the death penilty , well you just have to die then..

and if you know he hardly has hair on his balls well we dont need to know your personal intrestrests in him, we only know how stupid he has been :blush:


Last 2 posts

1 calls me DUMB and the other things I'm GAY

I think it's so funny :blush: that everyone is a hero behind a computer.

Besides....these are everyones opinions only. You don't have to sling :blink:

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  • Team Kickass
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Who cares if a drug smuggler was hung........ :spoton:

The thing that annoys me is that they made a fuss about it good people die all the time and nobody cares.

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  • Member For: 21y 1m
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Look at the Bali 9. One of them was only a young man that looked like a little boy. He is facing the firing squad because he screwed up. ONCE!!. No chance for rehabilitaion if your dead is there.

Yes he only got caught once. does not meen he had not done it before.some have done it before but only get caught once. but once is all trhat is needed to get  the noose or fireing squad depending on country.

DO THE CRIME DO THE TIME   or loose a life whatever the laws of the country

The young guy hardly has hair on his nuts....Yeah....a real hardened criminal isn't he? You are only speculating. In other words...you don't know that he has done it before. No speculation about him he facing the firing squad if convicted.

You know....I would be real curious if you guys were actually related to one of these people on death row overseas to see if you still share the same passion about "string 'em up and lettem hang".

If they do the crime....send them to jail....don't kill them. You said THAT yerself.......


do the crime in australia and do the time ... do the crime in a place that has the death penilty , well you just have to die then..

and if you know he hardly has hair on his balls well we dont need to know your personal intrestrests in him, we only know how stupid he has been :pooh:

Last 2 posts

1 calls me DUMB and the other things I'm GAY

I think it's so funny :kissmy: that everyone is a hero behind a computer.

Besides....these are everyones opinions only. You don't have to sling :pooh:

I never called you dumb... read the post again... was using the example that "if you were dumb enough" and got caught....

I then went onto ask your opinion if you would prefer life behind bars if you actually knew what went on in there.

just to clarify it for you... 1 never called you DUMB!!!!

but if you took it that way :spoton::w00t2:

totally agree with your last sentence

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  • I see red
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So why isn't everbody crying over this guy? He's already done practically a life sentance (24 years) and now has been put to death as well. He only killed 4 people, not the potential 26,000 that Van the Man might of if his gear got through.

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  • Big Gun
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So why isn't everbody crying over this guy? He's already done practically a life sentance (24 years) and now has been put to death as well. He only killed 4 people, not the potential 26,000 that Van the Man might of if his gear got through.

probably cause no-one cares

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