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Van Nguyen


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Move over Barlow and Chambers....Now we got VAN HANGIN !

Ps: It's all too late for me to ad my in depth comments....

It's not funny but it's true.

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  • Flaccid Member
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Well I'll be the one to disagree :blink:

It is interesting to note how quick Australians are to condemn someone to hanging, despite us not supporting the death penalty here :blink:

I'm also getting a bit sick hearing about "the poor drug addicts" who take this sh*t, are the drug dealers injecting this into them, or do they make a choice which can ruin their lives, much like the poor young Australians who for what ever reason decide to courier this stuff. 

So regardless of what the law is an any country around the globe, we should just sit back and accept what would appear to be a harsh sencence for a minor crime :bum:

Finally I fail to see where the difference is between pre-meditated murder, and planned executions of this kind, whether they are performed on Australians or not.

Anyway, I could carry on, but I am sure I have stirred the pot sufficiently :blush:

Fuggin put cyanide into the heroin and sell it on the street to the druggo bludger theifs. If there were no addicts, there'd be no trafficers. kill everyone who brakes the law,. kill speedsters, kill jay walkers, kill, kill, kill :blush:

oh yeah, ninka, I'm with you.

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I thought you had a good plan here"Fuggin put cyanide into the heroin and sell it on the street to the druggo bludger theifs. If there were no addicts, there'd be no trafficers. kill everyone who brakes the law,."

Till you turned out to be another tree hugger that lives in dream land

vik...too much NT sun for you my friend :birthdaywish::SWMBO::spit:

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I feel sorry for his mother, she hasn't done anything wrong, and as a parent I would hate to see one of my children die, no matter the reason, but.

He is an adult, he knew what he was doing, he was going to use the money to help his brother and pay off his student debt, SELF gain, at the pain of others, he did it in the wrong country, Too bad.

If he got cought here, he would be free by now, to go and do it again.

I dont feel sorry for thr majority of Drugo's, on the most they ahve chosen the path they walk, there will always be the unfortunate few who try a drug for the first time and die, for them I feel bad, but thier family, friends and socity has let them down to allow them to reach apoint where they feel drugs are required.

I would like to see as much money spent on stopping the import, distrabuton and sale od Narcotics as is blown and Pollies perk each year, but coroption is riff in all forms, offer enough cash and you can buy anyone, and until that is not the case, you wont stop drugs. Period.

They cant even keep drugs out of prisons for crying out loud, how can they stop it in acountry with the amount of sea border we have, the only reasonable solution is to amkie it legel, this will take away the huge profits for the importers, it will get the dirty sh*t off the streets, and will will stop most drug crime.

it could be sold through chemists at the same price a Asprin, no need for dealers, mules, drug bosses, any of that crap, anfd the upside it your DVD player will still be home when you get there.

make it cheap, let them kill themselves, stop the profit, stop the drug, Easy.

Oh, and yep, HANG HIM, only 56 mins to go. SNAPO NECKO.

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  • Gandalf the Grey, Maiar of Manwë and Varda, Team HgAg/Sneaky
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When are we, as a (human) race, going to evolve?

I don't believe that the death penality works as a deterent. Not saying I know what does work, but I'd really like to believe that one day, we (humans) will have reached a new/better level of civilization.


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