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Aftermarket Gauges


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  • HgAg soldier
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Hey morri,

Make sure you do the research on the nexus gauges before you purchase them off ebay. I think there is a seperate component sensor module which is needed to run the nexus gauges. Probably master g or ms700 can confirm this for you. Not cheap!! but they are a great looking gauge.


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thanks kaine,

I have been doing some research and yeah you need a sensor module to run the gauges, have found a guy here to buy off for a good price, still not cheap but will be close to $1100 all up at my door.

savageD, I like the defi bf's to and could get a good price on those direct from japan (bout the same as nexus) but the imperial gauges that I'd want only come in 60mm , like you said wont fit straight in!!!

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  • HgAg soldier
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I just bought myself two of the Cobalt gauges by autometer from www.egauges.com I priced these at autobarn and they wanted close to 400 bucks for both gauges... pfft!! :spoton:

The 6107 mechanical boost gauge and the 6127 electric oil pressure gauge.

Have done a bit of searching through the forums and think I have most of the info needed to install these. Still a bit hazy as to where the boost gauge 't' peice plugs into.. some people say the brake booster, some say the hose off the bov.. is anyone able to answer this?

Kaine :spoton:

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I have the Nexus Gauges installed in the Typhoon pod and they really set the inside off. They can be a little picky on how you start up your car and shutdown though as they need time for 'their' computer to boot up and shutdown properly.




Id say you haven't wired them in correctly.

I have Nexus gauges, and once you find a wire that doesn't lose voltage while the engine is cranking the gauges are fine and work perfectly.

Gary Crawley has the model down from Nexus, but they still run the module, his are fine as well.

Re-wire your module, and all will be sweet.

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I just bought myself two of the Cobalt gauges by autometer from www.egauges.com I priced these at autobarn and they wanted close to 400 bucks for both gauges... pfft!! :laughing:

The 6107 mechanical boost gauge and the 6127 electric oil pressure gauge.

Have done a bit of searching through the forums and think I have most of the info needed to install these.  Still a bit hazy as to where the boost gauge 't' peice plugs into.. some people say the brake booster, some say the hose off the bov.. is anyone able to answer this?

Kaine :laughing:


Kaine - I installed mine by cutting the smaller pipe on the blow off valve in the centre - installing the t junction and running up through the grommet directly below the blow off valve (for a left hand drive setup by the looks).

From there - my pipe runs behind the footwell console cover on the passengers side - then up the front of the console beside the ICC and up to the pod. The path would be more direct if running behind the ICC - but I didnt have much luck in running mine through there without pulling the ICC out - so I didnt.

+12v (for another gauge), the light feed (which doesnt dim), and earth, I sourced from the ciggarette lighter.

Good luck with your install.

PS - I assume the brake booster connection would be ok anyway, as it just uses the vacuum line, which is all a boost gauge reads (positive or negavtive vacuum).

Edited by cobrav8
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I just bought myself two of the Cobalt gauges by autometer from www.egauges.com I priced these at autobarn and they wanted close to 400 bucks for both gauges... pfft!! :gooff:

The 6107 mechanical boost gauge and the 6127 electric oil pressure gauge.

Have done a bit of searching through the forums and think I have most of the info needed to install these.  Still a bit hazy as to where the boost gauge 't' peice plugs into.. some people say the brake booster, some say the hose off the bov.. is anyone able to answer this?

Kaine :nono:


Kaine - I installed mine by cutting the smaller pipe on the blow off valve in the centre - installing the t junction and running up through the grommet directly below the blow off valve (for a left hand drive setup by the looks).

From there - my pipe runs behind the footwell console cover on the passengers side - then up the front of the console beside the ICC and up to the pod. The path would be more direct if running behind the ICC - but I didnt have much luck in running mine through there without pulling the ICC out - so I didnt.

+12v (for another gauge), the light feed (which doesnt dim), and earth, I sourced from the ciggarette lighter.

Good luck with your install.

PS - I assume the brake booster connection would be ok anyway, as it just uses the vacuum line, which is all a boost gauge reads (positive or negavtive vacuum).


T into the blow off valve there is a big gromet just below that pipe if you put your head in the passenger foot well look towards the fire wall a big oval gromet just push it in to the engine by and it should fall onto the ground run you pipe work and wires down the left hand side of the icc drill holes in the gromet for what ever you need thead them through the gromet replace gromet put the T in where the bov is and you get the idea

run your light wires to the traction control button down the right hand side of the icc.

The traction control/driving light switch just pulls out I think power and earth for the lights are in opposite corners from each other.

And I hope this helps out

pm me if you need to


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