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Motor Tyre Test


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The Michelin Pilot Sport PS2'S won the perrformace tyre shootout in MOTOR this month.

They are an awsome tyre. Just a get as loan to buy em though.

Cro can vouch fore em and so can I. I think they improve the T greatly and a great performace enhancement.

I had em on my T


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I run the PS2's in 275/35/19's on the rear of my car. They are very good.

Geea. :spoton:

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I now run the michelin made bf goodwich tyres they stick like sh*t in the dry and in the wet and are not too bad on price at about $300 a tyre for 18's.


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I run the PS2's in 275/35/19's on the rear of my car. They are very good.

Geea. :blink:

As we can see by your avatar mate...... :blink:

6 month's life....tops, huh?

Hey Goldie, more in fo on the 18" Michellin 'BF Goodrich's' please.

I'm running Toyo Trampios, pretty good in wet and dry, nearly as good if not as good as the SP9000's, and at $250 a tread I don't care if they have not got more life than the Dunlop SP9000's at 1/2 the price, I'm grinnin. :laughing:

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Never read so much cr@p in my life!!

They used one car only - a Ford. Fair enuff, that's what we're interested in I s'pose. But it doesn't help any other car owner much.

BUT my biggest beef is this:-

their "control" tyre was the original fitment SP9000s which they bagged to the hilt throughout the testing. They particularly bagged them for wet weather performance. Then right at the end they admit that these tyres had already done 15,000 hard test km. Now I got about 28,000km from my SP9000s in 'normal" driving so it's fair to say that these tyres had definitely passed their best and were probably down to about 2 or 3 mm of tread. And they compare them to brand new tyres!!! Well duh, funny that the SP9000s didn't come out winners ... thanks Einstein what a surprise!!

I'd love them to test ALL the tyres again after 15,000 hard test km.

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Never read so much cr@p in my life!!

They used one car only - a Ford. Fair enuff, that's what we're interested in I s'pose. But it doesn't help any other car owner much.


So if they used a BMW you would have whinged...

And if they used a Late model camira you would have whinged.....

If I shouted you a Crownie you would whinge it aint a Boags......

You cant keep everyone happy, can you? :laughing:

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  • - Track Bound EVO III -
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Never read so much cr@p in my life!!

They used one car only - a Ford. Fair enuff, that's what we're interested in I s'pose. But it doesn't help any other car owner much.


So if they used a BMW you would have whinged...

And if they used a Late model camira you would have whinged.....

If I shouted you a Crownie you would whinge it aint a Boags......

You cant keep everyone happy, can you? :laughing:


I can honestly say I would NOT accept a crownie from you. I just cannot stand that beer. Boags is good.. But not the light.. Make mine a Heiniken though.. Cheers.

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