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Ping Free Tuning


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Martin and Simon from Morpowa have just updated my Edit to V2

What a huge difference to throttle response :spoton:

Vixen has been running Phase II since november last year,

and Phase II +PWR IC + Edit since july this year

Still running factory iridium plugs at .75mm gap and BP Ultimate

AND it doesn't ping

AFR's are 12.2

The ute was given back when both the tuners and myself were happy with the tune and I also asked for hi-speed setting on the fan to be brought in at a lower temperature..default is 106 degrees :spoton:

So SA doesn't have sh*t fuel and I dont need special plugs to get 330rwkws

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  • Team Xtreme
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Nice result, a Shoot_6F run would have been good.


shoot out 81 is what you would typically use in a car like eddies 1500 rwhp twin turbo commodore, its designed for big hp force fed engines

Edited by Xtreme F6
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It is quite possible to have Shoot_81 and no Shoot_6F mode. Depends on your version of software. Indeed the Willall Racing dyno that I do most of my 'T's on has only Shoot_81 and no 6F. Bummer that.

Shoot_81 has the very same ramp rate and very very similar inertia to the early Shoot_6F setting, so the results are near identical to those you could achieve with on any current Dyno Dynamics dyno. All the settings are there printed on the bottom of the screen.

I think the point though was regardless of any power output (it has 968 injectors by the way) that this little 'Vixen' ute runs hard without rattling its head off, and will do even on 95RON fuel and stock spark plugs. Great achievement Simon! Keep em coming mate!

Edited by bcl
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If you want I'll drag out the tax invoice with yesterdays date.....

And if you want to waste a phone call ,be my guest and phone Morpowa...(08)82642906....wont matter who u speak too

I and all concerned have absolutely nothing to hide...

When was V2 released????

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For everyones infomation...

For the last 12 mths I have been taking the ute for change in tune(unichip days aswell) about every 3 months..

I drop it off on a monday..Try the tune for a day or so and then return it for refining...

Simon/Andrew have always tuned it...

It was pure coincidence that Martin was there Wednesday..

Simon phone to say they would like to have a play with somethings in the new version and the ute would be there all day..I couldn't see a problem with that..

Anything that improves the tune is welcome in my eyes..

If Martin had a hand in the tune so well be it..If his input has made an improvement even better....

MY ute......MY custom tune.....MY $$$$$$$$$

But after my trips for tuning I have always posted my results with sheets..

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  • Toughest BA Turbo
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Thread clean performed.

Tuners calling other tuners a liar in big yellow typing (with caps on) is out of bounds, and will be removed.


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