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Ford Bf "john West" Tv Ad


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  • Cruise Whore
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Hi, has anybody got a mpeg copy of the Ford BF 6 Speed Auto transmission TV Ad that is a take off of "the fish that John West rejected" ad? One of the guys at work saw it on TV and I have not yet, but it sounds really good. I'd like to get a copy of it if possible. Thanks.

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  • Cruise Whore
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Well, it goes something like this, I'm told by my mate.

There's these 2 Germans in this auto transmission shop. The customer is talking to the shop keeper in German and there are English sub-titles. He points out an auto transmission and asks about it. The shopkeeper says nah that's no good - uses too much fuel. The customer then points to another one and the shop keeper says nah that's no good, not powerful enough. So the customer shrugs with both arms up, so where are are all your good ones? And the shop keeper says he sold all the good ones to Ford Motor Co. The customer asks how's he going to sell these ones then, and the shop keeper says you get free sausages with these ones... :spoton:

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  • The Best Member
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The add isn't that good I don't think. (Although there's nothing wrong with it.) It's on TV heaps, so I'm surprised you haven't seen it. Just keep watching TV and you're sure to see it!

Now, the XR8 ute add with the dogs... that's a great add! :laughing:

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  • Cruise Whore
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Damn it, my mate said the Ford John West ad was showing again last night. He doesn't remember the channel. Wish I had DVD Recorder (you know the ones that are overtaking VCRs nowadays) with HDD so that I could capture it. Anyone have contacts in Ford that could send me a copy of it?

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  • Cruise Whore
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Can't say I have seen that one...

I like the one with the kid and his scalextric set though... that is gold!


Yep, now that's one I've seen. For you afficionados out there, it goes like this (my impressions anyway with some artistic licence as my memories a bit hazy).

Start's out looking like a Toys'R'Us type ad where there's this kid racing these electric Scaletrix cars on a track and running them so fast they spin off the track on the first corner. You see this model car that looks like a Expensive Daewoo ClubSport and then there's another that looks like a Suburu WRX. Both go flying spectacularly off the track and the kid is pumping his bent elbow and fisted hand down like "Yeah...". Then he places what looks like a Ford XR6 Turbo/XR8 on the track and gives it the full triger on the controller. Only it goes around the bend like it's glued to the road. He tries again and again, the the ad closes with the kid glumly looking at the model Ford car not flying off the track like the Expensive Daewoo or the Subi.

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I dont like that add... even a 7 yr old kid knows if the ass aint hangin out then it just aint puddin... mayswell be driving a FWD


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  • Colossal Member
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Dunno what the first car is but the second one that flies off the track is a Dodge Viper... I imagine the first one is another type of supercar...

Somehow I dont think a 7 year old would be too impressed by the difference between a FWD and a RWD... they are generally more interested in what's on XBOX!

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