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Traction Control


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  • Member For: 19y 2m 27d

Traction control is there for a reason - it helps minimise wheelspin. At least in a Ford you can turn it off (you can turn TC 'off' in a Merc... well the switch says it's off but granny comes and stops the fun if you really stomp on it... as it is never totally OFF in a Merc).

The TC works on rotation rates and will sense an individual wheels rate compared to the other driven wheel and perhaps an undriven wheel. It will allow a certain degree of slippage before intervening... intervention in the form of either activating the brake for the slipping driven wheel initially and then resorting to retarding the ignition or at the very most cutting off the fuel injector cycle. I think the Bosch 8 DSC tries to avoid using the electronic throttle control (ETC) in the Falcon installation except as a last resort because it affects throttle response.

TC usually uses the ABS sensors to detect wheel rotation so most bits are already included just need a brain and a suitable connection/programming to connect to the engine management system.

DSC is the evolution of TC and using some other sensors including steering angle, throttle position, yaw etc can detect either understeer or oversteer. It usually brakes one or more wheels to counteract the unwanted yaw forces. It won't save you in the event you do something really silly but in marginal situations may assist a driver in maintaining control.

Try doing circle work in an AWD Territory in a snowed/iced over ski field carpark with the DSC on and then off to get an idea of how much difference it can make. And you can always turn it off - sometimes when you on sand you might want the whole system OFF no TC no DSC OR if you want to take full control and not have the electronic granny look after you.

On the other hand, in the wet unless you're on a track I usually have it ON!

TC/DSC self check happens at start up.

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  • - Track Bound EVO III -
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an even better test - do a circle in the carpark - and go as fast as you can with TC on - then turn it off!  See if you can cause the car to break traction that way as well. 


Noooo, I bet he'll understeer the big girl into a kerb b4 the back end breakes out!!

btw, I get intermittant traction control in the ute. When SWMBO is in the passenger seat and the back wheels chirp, I get a thump on the arm.... Makes for a very peacfull trip :laughing:)

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an even better test - do a circle in the carpark - and go as fast as you can with TC on - then turn it off!  See if you can cause the car to break traction that way as well. 

Noooo, I bet he'll understeer the big girl into a kerb b4 the back end breakes out!!

btw, I get intermittant traction control in the ute. When SWMBO is in the passenger seat and the back wheels chirp, I get a thump on the arm.... Makes for a very peacfull trip :spit:)


I know that feeling.... silent treatment till arrival :spit:

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an even better test - do a circle in the carpark - and go as fast as you can with TC on - then turn it off!  See if you can cause the car to break traction that way as well. 

Noooo, I bet he'll understeer the big girl into a kerb b4 the back end breakes out!!

btw, I get intermittant traction control in the ute. When SWMBO is in the passenger seat and the back wheels chirp, I get a thump on the arm.... Makes for a very peacfull trip :o)


I know that feeling.... silent treatment till arrival :spoton:

SWMBO. Also known as handbrake. :spoton:

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  • XXR.64T
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with TC turned off u can do the following with ease. burnouts, drift, fishies, etc. With TC on u cant do any of it as good with it off. It just takes away the reason y u get a rear wheel drive car. Just makes it more reason to enjoy the journey from a to b with an elemt of suprise. :laughing:

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  • Cruise Whore
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Hi, I tried out the DSC/TC in my new BF XR6T today (just got it today) not on purpose. I was still getting used to the lift off from a standing start and must have had some wheels slip on the tram tracks. She started to swerve a bit, but corrected herself real fast. Never felt I was out of control - in fact, I just kept my foot planted on the accelerator and she straightened up and I was looking at the rest of the cars in my rear view mirror...

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  • Bionic Bealie
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Mine certainly works - and I don't like it.

It was wet the other day and I thought I would test it - just a take off from a stop sign, turning left.

Gunned the pedal and as soon as it started to bite the throttle cut off.

Very unpleasant feeling - like the car dies.

I'm driving my car nicely as it's a new one, so I have left it on as I'm not driving in a way that it will engage - but it's not a feature I like that's for sure.

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