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Bf Typoon Pricing Vs Ba?

Wee Dougie

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  • Member For: 21y 11m 4d
This is gotta hurtDBoss_eats_Evo9.wmv

Time to change your sig  :spoton:  :laughing:


Nice one Jeff!...Why dont you show everyone the run of the lights? :laughing:

By the way I did back off in the tunnel as the speed camera was coming up. :stirthepot:

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Call it a matchbox if you like, but I know what I prefer and what has no headaches and pulls 13.3 sec 1/4 miles of the factory floor. Geez, I dont even have to worry about getting my edit tuned properly and who is going to tune it.

I think I am happy with my matchbox thanks.  :laughing:

And thankyou for your comments, and enjoy driving your tank. I have already owned two previously and dont miss them at all.

Hang on, didn't Turbocorty pull a 13.2 in his F6 Typhoon, stock, off the floor?

Edit: Yep, he sure did!


As for being a tank, I know which I'd rather take to war :tease::laughing:

~1800kg at 13.2 sir? Yes tanks! :stirthepot:


By the way 13.3 was run by Motor magazine, which in comparison the F6 ran 14.0 by their drivers. So I would say someone in an EVO 9 would definetely run better times. I am not saying that F6's etc are no good. I just prefer what I drive. To be honest I think that my Hiace would be my favourite as it makes me the most money. And as you most probably dont know I get to drive all sorts of cars, since I am now a licenced Importer and Car Wholesaler. I love the Fords much better than Holdens as they have always been my favourite and still are. Its just its unfortunate they dont hold value like they use to. :spoton:

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Yeah, I made sure I drove the phoon before I decided with the EVO, but the EVO stood well above the rest, even the new STI. I have already done 3500kms in the EVO and I am not sick of it yet. The EVO 9 drives much better than the EVO 8 as I have driven both as well. The EVO 9 has much more torque than the EVO 8 and responds much better as well. You can virtually go around the corners in third gear and accelerate out of them with ease. I would be more than happy for you to come around or meet up and compare. I am in Sydney though. What you will find that it is smaller for your passengers compared to a Typhoon. It doesnt bother me and I have a wife and 2 kids.

Umm you might not mind it, but will your family be saying that when your kids grow a few more feet and you and your wife take the EVO on a long trip, I know I wouldn't appreciate my kids knees in my back coz they have no room in the back seat, LOL, I mean this with no aggression at all just a small stab at ya mate. EVO's are a nice car, would have one as a2nd car anyday, but not as a family car. I hope the next EVO is much much quicker than those silly little nissan skylines..

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  • Member For: 21y 11m 4d
Yeah, I made sure I drove the phoon before I decided with the EVO, but the EVO stood well above the rest, even the new STI. I have already done 3500kms in the EVO and I am not sick of it yet. The EVO 9 drives much better than the EVO 8 as I have driven both as well. The EVO 9 has much more torque than the EVO 8 and responds much better as well. You can virtually go around the corners in third gear and accelerate out of them with ease. I would be more than happy for you to come around or meet up and compare. I am in Sydney though. What you will find that it is smaller for your passengers compared to a Typhoon. It doesnt bother me and I have a wife and 2 kids.

Umm you might not mind it, but will your family be saying that when your kids grow a few more feet and you and your wife take the EVO on a long trip, I know I wouldn't appreciate my kids knees in my back coz they have no room in the back seat, LOL, I mean this with no aggression at all just a small stab at ya mate. EVO's are a nice car, would have one as a2nd car anyday, but not as a family car. I hope the next EVO is much much quicker than those silly little nissan skylines..


You are right about the room compared to the Falcon. There is no comparison there. the Evo is actually my 3rd car in the household and I virtually drive it on my own most of the times, though the wife does take it out occasionally. :laughing: I have had the whole family in there on a fair few occasions and its not that bad. But my kids are aged 8 and 3. As for the Skylines they are not too bad either as I have one of those too. But they are definetely not family orientated at all. They have bugger all room in the back. :laughing:

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To be honest I think that my Hiace would be my favourite as it makes me the most money.



That means Jeffro must prefer driving his auto Mutsu van as well!!! :k24t:

Now THERE'S a race id like to see! Hiace v's Express!

I might even bring down our flashy SBV delivery van to run ya's all!!! :k24t:

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To be honest I think that my Hiace would be my favourite as it makes me the most money.



That means Jeffro must prefer driving his auto Mutsu van as well!!! :blink:

Now THERE'S a race id like to see! Hiace v's Express!

I might even bring down our flashy SBV delivery van to run ya's all!!! :blush:


That would be interesting!...Now were talking! :gooff: Fair is fair.....My van is Auto too...Dont worry I have a back up van as well. I will have to get the wifes van out if I am beaten. :gooff:




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  • Faster than any BTA,XTC,Autotech, Nizpro and Tunehouse car
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Nice one Jeff!...Why dont you show everyone the run of the lights?

What the one in the rain,if that's all ya got your struggling BIG TIME :pinch:

By the way I did back off in the tunnel as the speed camera was coming up. 

The only flash you saw was your headlights on my exhaust tips :pinch:


CYA JEFF :blush:

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  • Faster than any BTA,XTC,Autotech, Nizpro and Tunehouse car
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To be honest I think that my Hiace would be my favourite as it makes me the most money.



That means Jeffro must prefer driving his auto Mutsu van as well!!! :msm:

Now THERE'S a race id like to see! Hiace v's Express!

I might even bring down our flashy SBV delivery van to run ya's all!!! :msm:


At least they can do burnouts :pinch:

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