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Warranty Ban?

ford number 1

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  • Member For: 19y 11m 1d
  • Location: The North Cooma End of Canberra...
how many k's how old? arent the required by law to warant 2nd hand cars anyway?


My option of 2nd hand car warrenties are that's they are not worth the paper their written on...

Brought an old Subi under 2nd hand car warrenty a few years back covered under a 2nd hand warrenty, and almost everything broke on it (clutch \ brakes \ suspension), and they dealers had put exception clauses right throughout the warrent... Basically for them to have honored the warrenty the engine would need to have fallen out from under the car and be smashed into little pieces, and even then they would have looked for a way to not warrent it...

As for buying the T, just do it... It sounds like it hasn't had to much of a hard life...

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I had a similar problem with a 2nd hand warranty with my old XH ute. the dealer tried hard as he could to get out of fixing anything until I said I was going to Current affair lol. Anyway a clause in the contract meant he didn;t have to fix the dual fuel gas sytem which cost a fortune. But the newer falcs are much better built quality and you shouldn't have much trouble, hopefully...

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I had a diamond care warranty with Mitsubishi on a VR4 Galant. The gearbox blew apart at 140km/h just near the shell. Cost of repairs $6500, diamond care coverage... $2500.

Luckly it turned out they had not put oil in the gearbox on my last service. My dealer sorted it out well with me. :laughing:

The factory warranty can still be blacklisted unless you remove all the mods and return it to stock. Ford will try to get out of any warranty claims they can, if you have visable mods it is like a get out of jail free card for ford, and will come down to how nice your dealer is :spit:

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