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I Had A Good Laugh Today...


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  • - Track Bound EVO III -
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If you spent the $180,000 you have saved by getting the F6 over the M5, you would be able to stop time :laughing:


Damn, does the Delorian cost that much??

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I think a BF F6 Typhoon is WAY sicker than a new M5.

The M5 has a 2 year warranty, many reliability issues and the f...ing I-Drive.  While it may be a v10 7 speed supercar, as BF F6 with an Edit will be in a similar straight line performance class.  If you spent the $180,000 you have saved by getting the F6 over the M5, you would be able to stop time :laughing:

I was looking at getting the M5, but it was not worth 4 x F6's.

Also you cannot compare Ford/Expensive Daewoo with Jap cars as we live for the Ford - Expensive Daewoo battles, its a health hobby for us car loving nuts :fool:


No doubt that 180K spend on an XR6T will give you "warp speed" but at the end of the day itll be funny seeing that T doing warp ten to dealers every month to fix p the loose cloth trim on the door panels while also begging ford dealers to fix up the diff under warranty that always "keeps coming back" :fool:

Edited by BOV
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  • Dark Knight Mafia Member No. - 666
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If your gonna compare commodores or falcons then compare them to Jap cars or Euros...


Why compare them to cars of other countries when the Falcon and Late model camira are natural competitors anyway. You dont see a jap or euro car leading the large family car market in sales do you.


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Lol I've seen that Late model camira as well, or one done up the same way. It was at the traffic lights at chermside on brisbane's northside. From a distance I thought it was a xr6, then when I got closer I thought WTF, it turned out to be a VT SS comodore in the xr6's exclusive colour. To make it worse, it had black GT stripes down the side!

Talk about "I wanna be a ford"

It looked pretty crap, I've seen ef and el falcons in the citric acid colour and even with the stripes, it is a bit try-hardish but it still looks ok, and one of them I saw looked fantastic, but this is just WRONG

it's like me getting a typhoon and putting a clubsport badge, bodykit and wheels on it.

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Guys, posts like these make the board go to crap, seriously there are many retarded looking falcons and commodores when their owners have no taste and slap on things that look rediculous but at the end of the day calling a Late model camira stupid names ie dunnydore/commowhore is just pathetic seeing as falcons are everyday taxis driven by drivers straight out of the third world countries... so in a way falcons are a mule... not to mention that I have personally seen an XR6T taxi in Melbourne...now that's a laugh... anyway im not here to flame but just want to say that falcons and commodres are practically the same thing, they are the same build quality and both are good value for performance... that's it. People who say falcons are better than commos or commos better than falcons are very ignorant and it shows that apart from driving a beaten up VL and an old rusty Escort they have had a limited exposure to the car market.

If your gonna compare commodores or falcons then compare them to Jap cars or Euros... but im pretty sure there will be a dumbass who will think his 2005 Phoon or VZ Clubby is "way sicker" than a new M5 Bemma... not just talking about the speed but overall stats.

I came on this site to learn about XR6T, I used to be a die hard Expensive Daewoo fan and still drive a Expensive Daewoo but turbos have got my attention so there u go, Expensive Daewoo fans and ford fans can appreciare both makes.



The best part about this site is laughing at dumb-ass Holdens, its purely good Ozzy healthy FUN! :laughing:

So you my friend, need to get a life.

Do come back and see us after you have seen the big picture, and bought a FORD. :tease:

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Guys, posts like these make the board go to crap, seriously there are many retarded looking falcons and commodores when their owners have no taste and slap on things that look rediculous but at the end of the day calling a Late model camira stupid names ie dunnydore/commowhore is just pathetic seeing as falcons are everyday taxis driven by drivers straight out of the third world countries... so in a way falcons are a mule... not to mention that I have personally seen an XR6T taxi in Melbourne...now that's a laugh... anyway im not here to flame but just want to say that falcons and commodres are practically the same thing, they are the same build quality and both are good value for performance... that's it. People who say falcons are better than commos or commos better than falcons are very ignorant and it shows that apart from driving a beaten up VL and an old rusty Escort they have had a limited exposure to the car market.

If your gonna compare commodores or falcons then compare them to Jap cars or Euros... but im pretty sure there will be a dumbass who will think his 2005 Phoon or VZ Clubby is "way sicker" than a new M5 Bemma... not just talking about the speed but overall stats.

I came on this site to learn about XR6T, I used to be a die hard Expensive Daewoo fan and still drive a Expensive Daewoo but turbos have got my attention so there u go, Expensive Daewoo fans and ford fans can appreciare both makes.



The best part about this site is laughing at dumb-ass Holdens, its purely good Ozzy healthy FUN! :kissmy:

So you my friend, need to get a life.

Do come back and see us after you have seen the big picture, and bought a FORD. :gooff:


Mate, I think you have it wrong way around, having a life = going out, girls, doing sports etc. Having NO life = b**ching about things and over analyzing little things :laughing: .

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  • Seriously Flukey Member
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Guys, posts like these make the board go to crap, seriously there are many retarded looking falcons and commodores when their owners have no taste and slap on things that look rediculous but at the end of the day calling a Late model camira stupid names ie dunnydore/commowhore is just pathetic seeing as falcons are everyday taxis driven by drivers straight out of the third world countries... so in a way falcons are a mule... not to mention that I have personally seen an XR6T taxi in Melbourne...now that's a laugh... anyway im not here to flame but just want to say that falcons and commodres are practically the same thing, they are the same build quality and both are good value for performance... that's it. People who say falcons are better than commos or commos better than falcons are very ignorant and it shows that apart from driving a beaten up VL and an old rusty Escort they have had a limited exposure to the car market.

If your gonna compare commodores or falcons then compare them to Jap cars or Euros... but im pretty sure there will be a dumbass who will think his 2005 Phoon or VZ Clubby is "way sicker" than a new M5 Bemma... not just talking about the speed but overall stats.

I came on this site to learn about XR6T, I used to be a die hard Expensive Daewoo fan and still drive a Expensive Daewoo but turbos have got my attention so there u go, Expensive Daewoo fans and ford fans can appreciare both makes.


The best part about this site is laughing at dumb-ass Holdens, its purely good Ozzy healthy FUN! :kissmy:

So you my friend, need to get a life.

Do come back and see us after you have seen the big picture, and bought a FORD. :gooff:

Mate, I think you have it wrong way around, having a life = going out, girls, doing sports etc. Having NO life = b**ching about things and over analyzing little things :laughing: .

Correct. that's why this is a forum, and not a nightclub

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For someone who has been on this forum for 24hrs, you seem to have a strong view on somthing you have very little understanding. :gooff:

Do you go to the LS1 forums and tell them not to b**ch about Fords ? :kissmy:

If so you would get the same reaction as you are getting here.

If you do not like a post, DO NOT READ IT.

We are all entitled to opinions, but a newbie telling us we should not give Holdens crap is just trawling for a flaming.

I suggest you enjoy the forum and not try to put your personal point of view untill you have something meaningful to say. Some of us here are Post whores and like the debates about Ford vs anything.

Take a chill pill and you will find the visit more enjoyable. :laughing:

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For someone who has been on this forum for 24hrs, you seem to have a strong view on somthing you have very little understanding. :nono:

Do you go to the LS1 forums and tell them not to b**ch about Fords ? :blink:

If so you would get the same reaction as you are getting here.

If you do not like a post, DO NOT READ IT.

We are all entitled to opinions, but a newbie telling us we should not give Holdens crap is just trawling for a flaming.

I suggest you enjoy the forum and not try to put your personal point of view untill you have something meaningful to say.  Some of us here are Post whores and like the debates about Ford vs anything.

Take a chill pill and you will find the visit more enjoyable. :blush:


fair call mate, point taken!

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Guys, posts like these make the board go to crap, seriously there are many retarded looking falcons and commodores when their owners have no taste and slap on things that look rediculous but at the end of the day calling a Late model camira stupid names ie dunnydore/commowhore is just pathetic seeing as falcons are everyday taxis driven by drivers straight out of the third world countries... so in a way falcons are a mule... not to mention that I have personally seen an XR6T taxi in Melbourne...now that's a laugh... anyway im not here to flame but just want to say that falcons and commodres are practically the same thing, they are the same build quality and both are good value for performance... that's it. People who say falcons are better than commos or commos better than falcons are very ignorant and it shows that apart from driving a beaten up VL and an old rusty Escort they have had a limited exposure to the car market.

If your gonna compare commodores or falcons then compare them to Jap cars or Euros... but im pretty sure there will be a dumbass who will think his 2005 Phoon or VZ Clubby is "way sicker" than a new M5 Bemma... not just talking about the speed but overall stats.

I came on this site to learn about XR6T, I used to be a die hard Expensive Daewoo fan and still drive a Expensive Daewoo but turbos have got my attention so there u go, Expensive Daewoo fans and ford fans can appreciare both makes.



The best part about this site is laughing at dumb-ass Holdens, its purely good Ozzy healthy FUN! :laughing:

So you my friend, need to get a life.

Do come back and see us after you have seen the big picture, and bought a FORD. :tease:


:laughing: The commodores and the falcons are natural enemy's and nothing is going to change that... From what I have seen of Expensive Daewoo forums they are exactly the same... It's a two way street and really it's just a bit of fun... (This is also from an ex-Expensive Daewoo fan)

Also Aussie vs European cars just doesn't have the same ring to it as ultimately it is comparing apples with oranges... (aka Aussie cars are built for us and the European cars are built for them in mind)

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