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  • fordxr5turbodotcom
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You must do web hosting on your connection?


no, just do a bit of internet gardening..

It's amazing how seeds can be of so much good on the net.. you can grow all sorts of stuff. :)


yes you must sow what you harvest my friendly internet farmers :kissmy:


ummm I don't get it... so you contribute to the ever growing spam mailouts?


plz explain :fool:

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Try www.evolutiontelecom.com.au


1. Well it has good rates and if you let me know I'll see if it can match any other offers. ADSL only though.

2. It will make a contriution to this web site

3. You will help me get my F6 sooner :kissmy:

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  • - Track Bound EVO III -
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You must do web hosting on your connection?


no, just do a bit of internet gardening..

It's amazing how seeds can be of so much good on the net.. you can grow all sorts of stuff. :)


yes you must sow what you harvest my friendly internet farmers :gooff:


ummm I don't get it... so you contribute to the ever growing spam mailouts?


plz explain :hrmm:


ahhh Miyagi son, you must learn the ways of farming on the web... It's been a good harvest lately, especially since the disaster that was the dreaded fbi drought. That was a bad one, much like the El-Ninyo effect for us internet farmers..

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You must do web hosting on your connection?


no, just do a bit of internet gardening..

It's amazing how seeds can be of so much good on the net.. you can grow all sorts of stuff. :)


yes you must sow what you harvest my friendly internet farmers :spoton:


ummm i don't get it... so you contribute to the ever growing spam mailouts?


plz explain :blush:


ahhh Miyagi son, you must learn the ways of farming on the web... It's been a good harvest lately, especially since the disaster that was the dreaded fbi drought. That was a bad one, much like the El-Ninyo effect for us internet farmers..


But there seem's to be a bit of a torrent comming down now it's over....

(for now)

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  • When in doubt ... Accelerate!
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You must do web hosting on your connection?


no, just do a bit of internet gardening..

It's amazing how seeds can be of so much good on the net.. you can grow all sorts of stuff. :)


yes you must sow what you harvest my friendly internet farmers :spoton:


ummm I don't get it... so you contribute to the ever growing spam mailouts?


plz explain :blush:


ahhh Miyagi son, you must learn the ways of farming on the web... It's been a good harvest lately, especially since the disaster that was the dreaded fbi drought. That was a bad one, much like the El-Ninyo effect for us internet farmers..


But there seem's to be a bit of a torrent comming down now it's over....

(for now)


The crops will still grow however in a differnent soil :blink:

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  • Sucker
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Personally I am using TPG 512 plan and I am more than happy with them and I have been using them for about 5 years (including dialup). 20GB of download before it's capped but I haven't hit that yet though I have leeched a fair bit of the times. $49.95 per month but that's becuase I am in the bush. If it was in the City it would be $50 for 1500K with 25GB downloads.

In my humble opinion well worth at least a look.


Brendan :spoton:


Haw haw, suffer in your jocks you country bumpkin heathen.

1.5 for 50 here in the big smoke :blink:

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Guest hank
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I'm with iinet too. You CAN get ADSL2+ without the home phone service if you want.

I have 10Mbps/download, not too sure of the upload speed but I'm sure I saw 1Mbps.

That's not a typo, I regularly connect at 10Mbps, and have never connected at less that 9.5Mbps.

They also split download limits into peak and off-peak times. I cat download 20Gigs peak and (I think) 20Gigs off-peak. So downloading movies (whatever kind you like to download ;-), whatever downloads overnight, won't effect your peak usage. I've NEVER been shaped yet.

I get charged $79/month for the privilage.

xDSL101 - Introduction

Standard ADSL will allow connection speeds up to 8Mbps, and ADSL2+ upto 12.5Mbps. Your provider must have ADSL2+ equipment installed at the exchange for you to access it, and your adsl modem has to support adsl2+. If you are with iinet and they have adsl2+ at the exchange, you can connect UP TO 12.5Mbps. The actual speed you connect at is dependent on the distance and the quality of the line you have to the exchange.

So, if you're in the country, or are a distance from your local exchange, you won't get 12.5Mbps. I have a mate with iinet on the same plan, and he gets 4Mbps and he's still metropolitan.

ADSL is also different from cable, as it's not a shared bandwidth. As has been pointed out already, the bandwidth of a cable connection is shared between however many users are on the same trunk as you.

Of course it's fine having 10M download, but it's pretty useless if "that site" you are connecting to is only giving you 512k (or less) download. They most likely have a much fatter pipe than you do, but if there's a lot of users downloading from the same site, you get shared bandwidth. Where 10M does come into it's own, is when you are downloading from multiple sites, or you are connected to a premium site downloading software etc. Or, you start off a download from a site at nnnkbps and you still have plenty of bandwidth left to surf other stuff while it's downloading.

Here endeth xDSL101

Good luck with your choice. Whirlpool is definately a good site, but make sure you understand what it is you are comparing.

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  • - Track Bound EVO III -
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That's not a typo, I regularly connect at 10Mbps, and have never connected at less that 9.5Mbps.


Yes, you connect at that speed, and you get that straight off the ftp server, but you will hardly get it from a site as you are goverened by there upload speeds. Nvidia is damn quic for getting new drivers etc, and some P2P software allows stupid speeds on some popular stuff, but generally, speed is determined by whoever you dload from and the server (line) speed they have..

iinet need to have an optional plan where uload can be the same as dload, ie up to 10Mb.. I think there would be a demand for it too. My mates and I are always sharing thru a local P2P program ( legit stuff ) and everything over the WA internet exchange is free from your quota, so you can effectivly double your quotas by sharing what u get..

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