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Modding A Bf


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  • Moar Powar Babeh
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This is quite an interesting thread....should be good to see what happens in the future. I just wanna throw a question out there....Do you guys remember when the BA xr6t was first released and ford said it was "unmodifiable"? and look at what we have now.....just wait till the tuners get a handle on the BF's.....the mind boggles.... :spoton:

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Yes its there, and yes we can manipulate the entire code segment of the computer


manipulate and turn OFF are not the same. :glad:

Im still not convinced that the BA F6 maps are as well advanced as the XR6T maps!!!

Bit like the knock sensors that work but dont work but are not needed but should be used but usually are'nt. :glad::spoton:

anyway next month I will know :glad: BF Auto with edit!!! WOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh

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  • - Track Bound EVO III -
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anyway next month I will know  :spoton:  BF Auto with edit!!! WOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooosh


your going to need a bit more than wooooosh old boy... :kissmy:

Can you use two feet at once to stall it up?? :thumbsup:

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I agree turning perameters off because you dont understand how they work is a good way to know if your tuner knows his stuff. Some turn off plenty and are normally the ones that talk the loudest they also turn off the most funtions. Knock controll does work within the perameters set.Up to tuner to get them correct. If they dont dont blame the system.

Edited by philldub
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  • - Track Bound EVO III -
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Yes its there, and yes we can manipulate the entire code segment of the computer


cool, few questions..

If you can change the target result, will this benefit in the ( self ) fine tuning of the maps? ( not learning, overall tune/afr's ) Can it be turned off completely?

Will the knock sensors be enabled in BF maps?

Will BF maps or tables be able to be used in BA? I noticed how much more fuel efficient the BF is, are there more tables or anything to play with to maybe help emissions on BA??


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Lets get a couple of things straight here, the knock sensors are completely active and work in both BA and BF model Falcons. Turning anything like knock control off completely is never something I would recommend with these cars. They are my thoughts, others might think and do different.

There is also nothing inherently 'profound' about the operation of the BF and its ability to adhere to tighter emission limits. Just a combination of variable cam settings, fuel control and ignition timing at light load. There closed loop or adaptive control is very little changed from that found in the BA, just some of the calibration information is different. There is no magical self learning the resets the vehicle to standard, just a table of adaptive cells that can be individually adjusted as to rate and amount by the tuner.

We simply provide a toolbox for tuners to use in their access and calibration of the PCM. What the tuner then does with that is up to them. If you have any questions regarding settings or what is likely to be operational in your program it would be best to ask your chosen tuner. All we can do is give them the ability to change every parameter.

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  • Wanabe mechanical engineer
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Sounds good... Though, you didn't specify whether the 0's in the exhaust cam table were during WOT or closed loop modes.

I do know that a small amount of retard in the exhaust cam at low RPM on turbo cars is still beneficial to emissions and low down torque. You simply can't use as much as in the NA models due the afformentioned back pressure from the turbine...

And, since the airflow through an engines inlet and exhaust manifolds can be shown to be 'pressure pulses', even with the backpressure from the turbine, a slight exhaust retard, timed to close just before the back pressure pulse from the turbine reaches the valve, would yeild more grunt through better cylinder evacuation...

Well, that's what I figure anyway, there is a high probability that I'm completely wrong, and if that's the case please feel free to let me know so I can get it right for next time.


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Sounds good... Though, you didn't specify whether the 0's in the exhaust cam table were during WOT or closed loop modes.

I do know that a small amount of retard in the exhaust cam at low RPM on turbo cars is still beneficial to emissions and low down torque. You simply can't use as much as in the NA models due the afformentioned back pressure from the turbine...

And, since the airflow through an engines inlet and exhaust manifolds can be shown to be 'pressure pulses', even with the backpressure from the turbine, a slight exhaust retard, timed to close just before the back pressure pulse from the turbine reaches the valve, would yeild more grunt through better cylinder evacuation...

Well, that's what I figure anyway, there is a high probability that I'm completely wrong, and if that's the case please feel free to let me know so I can get it right for next time.



just a thinker for you lawsy what happens whe you advance the exhaust cam to the pulses/preasure?

then apply this to effects on power,valve spring and etc!!!

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Sounds good... Though, you didn't specify whether the 0's in the exhaust cam table were during WOT or closed loop modes.


Every cell in the table is '0' that's from low rpm to high rpm from low load to high load. Effectively in stock form the camshafts are not moving independently

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Is that only the exhaust cam, or are both not moving?

If someone sorts out the VVT with Edit, the T will be off its nut, very fuel efficient and VERY powerfull :crybaby:

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