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Ba Flooded Engine


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  • SLOJAM, Gone but not forgotten
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  • Member For: 22y 4m 23d
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Now dont get too excited here... not a Turbo, or even a XR6 for that matter.

SWMBO has a BA XT sedan. I moved it from the drive to the rear lawn on Saturday afternoon. Didnt bother to idle/warm it just kicked it into life drove it 6mt max and switched it off.

This morning, it would not start. Turned over OK but no hint of ignition.

RACV arrived and diagnosed it as a flooded engine. Apparently common in BA's :spoton: I haveen't heard of this before.

The cure was to put the accelerator flat to the floor and crank it till it fired then back off the pedal and run at high revs for a "few" minutes :crybaby: Not so sure that's the best way to go, sorta like reving a cold engine to get the "lumps" out of it as I was advised by a total :tease: head when I was much younger. Needless to say glad it's a company car and that I was not there else the RACV guy just might have had a black eye for the mechanical abuse inflicted....(IMO)

Apparently having the pedal flat to the florr before you turn the ignition cuts the fuel pump off. Anyone heard of this before?

BTW SWMBO's co worker reckons same happened to him and the fix was same

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yes if yopu put your foot fl;at to the floor, most cars will enter clear flood mode. Injector pulse widthes will be shortened. When the engien fires, you should take your foot off the pedal, there is no need to rev it hard. It may run poorly, but should still run. I agree revving it hard on start up is not a good thing, but am pretty sure no damage will be done by the RACV doing it once. Trust me, every apprentice to drive an XR6T has revved it on start up, I know yours was an XT.

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  • SLOJAM, Gone but not forgotten
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Hi there, take it back to ford so you can get the pcm reflashed, the new calibration rectifies the flooding concern


thanks dude, it's due for a service too.... :crybaby:

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a couple of times in the mornings ive gone to start my car but let the key off JUST as it was gunna kick over and it stopped, I left it 10 seconds, then tried to start again and it doesnt like starting!! takes probly 15 seconds of cranking to get it goin again and when it finally does start it gives a bit of a fart and a splutter.. lol.

hint: always make sure start-up and shut down sequence is correct.

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  • SLOJAM, Gone but not forgotten
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  • Member For: 22y 4m 23d
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  • Location: Outer east - Melbourne
a couple of times in the mornings ive gone to start my car but let the key off JUST as it was gunna kick over and it stopped, I left it 10 seconds, then tried to start again and it doesnt like starting!! takes probly 15 seconds of cranking to get it goin again and when it finally does start it gives a bit of a fart and a splutter.. lol.

hint: always make sure start-up and shut down sequence is correct.


A bit like XP.... :laughing:

Yeah had that too in the "T"... bit of a btich. Runs like a dog for a while. I have found that a reboot smoothes it out real fast

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