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Yes Mr Policeman?


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I thought some chaps might find this intersting.

Firstly, if anyone belonging to any police or law enforcement agency reads this thread please don't assume this is directed at YOU or your ageny!, this story is directed at a few individuals only.

Thursday 28 September 2004, at about 11pm I noticed 2 Police vehicles scream into my Street then Park right outside my house. 8 Policeman jumped out then ran up and down the Street. This was going on for about 30 minutes. I though it must have been some sort of Raid.........how wrong was I!

I became very curious, so I moved my car out of the garage and pretended I was going for a drive, as I was comming off the driveway and onto the Road, one of the Police Officers (the biggest one) stopped me and ordered me out of the vehicle, then the rest of the officers came running over.......but none of them came onto my property or even touched me. The officer called me by my first name and said I was in a lot of trouble.............WHAT THE F**!!, the police where there for me!

The officer then said that he knew my name, my car, where my parents and friends lived...............all about me, he also said that becuase of what I have done my Army Reserve Career will be finished also. WHAT THE F***!! I could not for the life of me know what he was talking about.

The Ofiicer then proceeded to say that if I don't stop text messaging his girlfriend then he would make life very difficult for me!!!!

Turns out that his new girlfriend was my ex girlfriend that we still kept in touch.

This guy was in his mid 40's, my ex was 23 (pictue home girl of the year 2003, look her up).

This Officer was really pissed off and I felt that him and his mates where going to jump me, I was by myself, I was absolutely sh***ng myslef.

For the next 15 minutes he rattled off all this information about me and family and continued to threaten me, then at the end he said that it was all off the record and his visist was only a friendly warning!

The Officer and all his mates finally left, I was left there dumbfounded. Not sure what to do, I drove to the main 24 hour Police Station in Adelaide and spoke to a Senior Sergeant, his response that I should not have been text messaging this Cops girfriend. This is crap.....

Next day I called my friend who works in CIB in Adelaide, he made me come into the station and submit a statement.

1 Year later I receive this letter from the Police Commissioner of SA, he apologizes on behalf of the SA Police and said that this matter was fully investigated and found the Officer to be gulity. The Officer has been demoted to constable with no chance of a promotion in the future, also a $2500 fine, all the other officers that he dragged along all got various amounts of fines.

So hope you enjoy this luchtime read. I just receievd the letter from Police Commisioner today so I pretty excited about it.

Sucked in Mr Senior Constable *****, woops I mean Constable :msm:

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Firstly they have breached your privacy over a non police matter, secondly they have scared the crap out of you for no good reason.

I would kindly ask the police comissioner to pay you the fines as you were the reason they got fined.

P.S nice Ex, hope she is happy with the cop who is old enough to be her father.

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he was charged with..

1 - abusing his authority

2 - knowingly putting himself in a situation that would likely cause conflict

3 - using Police rescources to gain information about me unlawfully.

She was a babe....

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he was charged with..

1 - abusing his authority

2 - knowingly putting himself in a situation that would likely cause conflict

3 - using Police rescources to gain information about me unlawfully.

She was a babe....


suck sh*t officer :msm:

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  • My new toy
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My d**khead brother in law got done for simalar things and was kicked out of the police force.

I will not say where it happened but it was not qld.


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  • XXR.64T
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Hahah my sister is a cop in sydney and she threatens me or trys to blackmail for my parents. But other than dat I can get away for anything in her area coz they see im related. So its all good in a way. :msm:

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  • The Bionic Man - half man-half titanium
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I don't condone at all what happened

However what was the point of this thread.

All it does is give people an opportunity to drag out there tired old, boring, whingeing complaints about the cops did this, the cops did that....blah blah blah

The upshot of what you are telling the Forum is that a Police officer did something illegal, you complained about it, it was investigated and he was found guilty of some offences.

Therefore the Police Force acted exactly how the community expected so the matter ends there.

Now because the thread, some moron skites about how he can get away with anything in a particular area because his sister works there,

another moron makes an obscene remark because a Police officer did something illegal, was investigated and punished

Would this incident be made into a thread if a bartender was charged with threatening you at the front of your house?

..if an electrician constantly disconnected your power to your house in a form of harrassment over texting your ex girlfriend

there are millions of examples

The guy did the wrong this, he was investigated and punished. The fact is that he faced internal disciplinary proceedings that are generally more onerous than those received at Court

Before this thread gets into a slanging match, or some pea brain decides to make any more inane comments I hope the moderators close it!

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  • My new toy
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Although I did reply to this plonky I am taking your comments on board and I am closing this thread put leaving it here for members to read.


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