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10% Ethanol '98'

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undefinedDo you have an abridged version of the rest of your post. I've had a long week

Alcohol is good... be it in a car or in the person... only problem is that it attracts water...

Nice :hrmm:

Jack :hrmm:

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undefinedDo you have an abridged version of the rest of your post. I've had a long week

Alcohol is good... be it in a car or in the person... only problem is that it attracts water...

Nice :spoton:

Jack :construction:

It doesn't attract water per say, well not like magnets; its chemical structure simply makes itself readily acceptable of water.

Just like I'll readily accept a beer if one happens to be handed to me, but cans of beer don't fly out from no where heading in my general direction (well not that I know of...).

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This months RACV mag has a write up on ethanol.

Love the paragraph that says " we believe that there is no harmful effects to a vehicle that has been cirtified to run on ethanol fuels".

So does this mean your vehicle has to be cirtified to be safe??

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  • Wanabe mechanical engineer
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This months RACV mag has a write up on ethanol.

Love the paragraph that says " we believe that there is no harmful effects to a vehicle that has been cirtified to run on ethanol fuels".

So does this mean your vehicle has to be cirtified to be safe??

I don't reckon it does. What do you honestly think is different in a cirtified vehicle to one which isn't? Pretty much nothing... Simply one company has realised how many anti corrosive agents has been added to the fuel and what sort of blend the fuel and therefor realise that it would take years of this fuel sitting still to do any sort of meaningful damage...

It's also a bit of a pride issue. Remember, some companies kicked up a massive stink, along with the state labour government at the time, when ethenol was added without anyone really knowing it. It was an easy way to dodge a warranty claim, even though we all knew it was a load of crap.

Its simply more official that it was a load of crap, that's all...

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I still haven't made up my mind about the whole ethanol thing. I haven't used it and I'm put off after reading craig's (geea) posts. Another issue I have with it is that the government is pushing the use of ethanol but what most people dont know is that Dick honan the owner of Manildra which is Australia's biggest producer of ethanol is an old school mate of John Howard. Mr Honan is also one of the biggest donators towards the liberal party.

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This months RACV mag has a write up on ethanol.

Love the paragraph that says " we believe that there is no harmful effects to a vehicle that has been cirtified to run on ethanol fuels".

So does this mean your vehicle has to be cirtified to be safe??

I think Geea would like to argue that point! He had a green slug in his tank!

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I've seem an ethanol based fuel gum up the engine so bad it actually siezed the exhaust valves causing one to bend.

I don't care what anyone says. No ethanol fuels for me.

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I've seem an ethanol based fuel gum up the engine so bad it actually siezed the exhaust valves causing one to bend.

I don't care what anyone says. No ethanol fuels for me.


Almost certainly not caused by the ethanol.

Cheap, nasty, dirty fuel is cheap, nasty, dirty fuel regardless of whether it has Ethanol in it or not. Unfortunately, a lot of our experience with ethanol blends so far is with it being used to reduce the cost of fuel to the consumer - there's no thought given to quality above a bare minimum in this case.

On the other hand, Shell Optimax Extreme (you can get it at the Shell service stations on either side of King George's Rd just south of the Hume Highway) is 100RON and is being marketed as a premium quality and power fuel, with ethanol used to pump the RON rating up from 98. Shell are charging a premium for this , so the quality should be there. It's the same fuel the V8 Supercars will be running this coming season, and while race engines to get rebuilt regularly, I can't see them being happy running fuel that's likely to gum the engine up and seize exhaust valves...

I ran a few tanks of Optimax Extreme in my RX Liberty, and my highly reliable "seat of the pants meter" said it went better - the engine seemed more responsive, and even sounded fractionally better. I want to do a blind/double blind test or at least dyno the car on it and other fuels before I'd recommend it though. Just need to find someone doing a dyno day on a AWD dyno...

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undefinedDo you have an abridged version of the rest of your post. I've had a long week

Alcohol is good... be it in a car or in the person... only problem is that it attracts water...

Nice :gooff:

Jack :spoton:


Now I understand, that's why I keep falling in the pool when I have had a few :spoton:

Unfortunatly, neither of the big oil companies sell ethanol in JB so I have been unable to long term test it, but the few times I have used it when I was in Sydney there seemed to be a small improvement alround. any one know if caltex will be bringing an ethanol mix soon

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  • Wanabe mechanical engineer
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Most of these issues that you are hearing about are things that simply have nothing to do with ethanol at all...

that's what is so anoying, alot of the crap you are hearing about ethanol is utter rubbish, and if these people actually had any idea about what the chemical properties of ethanol were they would never have opened there mouth at all, and upon learning more I hope they feel stupid... Because some of these stories are just stupid. It truely is...

Ethanol cannot grow slugs, ethanol does not turn green and ethanol does not turn into a solid mass. Its a liquid, and when distilled turns into a fine white powder, last time I checked (though it might have been methanol, not 100% sure, but alcohols do all share significant properties so I can't see it being significantly different in this case).

And as for this BOOST 98; it has been shown by independants already to be a quality fuel, with a high octane rating as a base and ethanol to pump the rating up to beyond 100. They then blend this high grade fuel with some of the other safety chemicals and this in turn is what drops it the rating back down to 98 (well its probably closer to 99 but whatever...).

My point is this. Talk to someone who knows a bit about chemestry, someone who knows more than me preferably (because I don't know much at all. What I've said so far is about my entire knowledge base in chemestry) and they will tell you the real deal and just how stupid and completely unrelated these stories are to ethanol.

So don't believe the trumped up wifes tales of engines being gummed up as a direct result of the ethanol fuel. You'll probably find that those engines would have seized even earlier had they run on the same crap fuel, but without the ethanol in it.

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