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Bathurst 1000


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So, you can love tap someone into a wall, no penalty.

But get penalised for not wearing a Balaclava?

Lol, maybe the organisers are sponsored by Armed Holdups Anonymous.

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  • Dark Knight Mafia Member No. - 666
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So, you can love tap someone into a wall, no penalty.

But get penalised for not wearing a Balaclava?

Lol, maybe the organisers are sponsored by Armed Holdups Anonymous.


On the balaclava thing, does anyone know if further action was taken by CAMS or TEGA or AVESCO. Did they review every cars in car cameras and all pit lane footage to see if other drivers were in non compliance with the rules


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but to say that he was going to win is ridiculous - how far behind Skaife was he?

My favourite car in the race is the Ambrose Falcon - but you have to be realistic about these things.  He got caught up in someone elses mistake.


you've got to be joking

I'd say he would have been less than 5 sec behind him. The race had just restarted. He had just passed the sheep :msm: to move into fourth position. There were still 15+ laps to go in the race, more than enough time for Ambrose to catch and pass the other three in front of him with the speed he had left in the Pirtek Falcon.

The hardest thing to come to grips with is the fact that after Murphy's effort we will never know. It would have been edge of the seat stuff to watch Ambrose chasing down Skaife with 15 laps to go. Through his teams own decisions they imposed over 1 min in time penalties on themselves.

Add that min back on, there is now doubt that the Pirtek ford would have been possibly leading the race or at the very worst 2nd possie.

To say he would'nt have caught Skaife is wrong. Thanks to Murphy we will never now.


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On the balaclava thing, does anyone know if further action was taken by CAMS or TEGA or AVESCO.  Did they review every cars in car cameras and all pit lane footage to see if other drivers were in non compliance with the rules




I'm going to watch the Murphy Ambrose incident again. Murphy was out of his car with his helmet already of. I don't recall seeing remove the arse wipe of his head like Ambrose did when they had they're little chat.


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At the end of the day, They got caught for not wearing safety gear. Ambrose claimed he hadnt worn one for 2 years. The fact he hasnt been caught is an issue for the observers and the system.

The team would have known he didn't have it on. They are not completely stupid although to breach a safety regulation DESIGNED to help prevent burns in the even of a fire eludes me. Yes its hot but not as hot as a car on fire!

The system didnt find him out until yesterday. I have lost a LOT of respect for them over this. It was Marcus decision NOT to waer it . He knew what would happen if he got caught. I am so surprised to see that they have not given him a penalty over it. He certainly gave one to his team!

The fact that he claimed "Half the field" were not wearing one" cuts no mustard. Try that one next time your pulled over for speeding. " But they were speeding too officer! Sorry Marcus you got caught!

And guess what - if you had not have to come in then you might not have got centre punched by the kiwi.

If anyone thinks the kiwi did it on purpose then they are crazy. The chances of tagging someone at that point of the track and getting away with it are remote -

I have watched cheats in motorsport for 25 years. Some get away with murder but in the end they get caught out.

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  • Dark Knight Mafia Member No. - 666
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On the balaclava thing, does anyone know if further action was taken by CAMS or TEGA or AVESCO.  Did they review every cars in car cameras and all pit lane footage to see if other drivers were in non compliance with the rules




I'm going to watch the Murphy Ambrose incident again. Murphy was out of his car with his helmet already of. I don't recall seeing remove the arse wipe of his head like Ambrose did when they had they're little chat.



I was thinking the same thing so I watched it again last night and murphy was definatley wearing a blalclava, though this was a long time after Warren Luff was originally called on it, so the question is was he or anyone else wearing one previous to that, I did tape the whole event and will be watching it again to find this out from all incars shown.


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  • Dark Knight Mafia Member No. - 666
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At the end of the day, They got caught for not wearing safety gear. Ambrose  claimed he hadnt worn one for 2 years. The fact he hasnt been caught is an issue for the observers and the system.

The team would have known he didn't have it on. They are not completely stupid although to breach a safety regulation DESIGNED to help prevent burns in the even of a fire eludes me. Yes its hot but not as hot as a car on fire!

The system didnt find him out until yesterday. I have lost a LOT of respect for them over this. It was Marcus decision NOT to waer it . He knew what would happen if he got caught. I am so surprised to see that they have not given him a penalty over it. He certainly gave one to his team!

The fact that he claimed "Half the field" were not wearing one" cuts no mustard. Try that one next time your pulled over for speeding. " But they were speeding too officer! Sorry Marcus you got caught!

And guess what  -  if you had not have to come in then you might not have got centre punched by the kiwi.

If anyone thinks the kiwi did it on purpose then they are crazy. The chances of tagging someone at that point of the track and getting away with it are remote -

I have watched cheats in motorsport for 25 years. Some get away with murder but in the end they get caught out.


Dallas I think Ambroses main gripe with it is that he knew more than half the field werent wearing them, it wasnt him that got caught originally, also Ingall wasnt wearing one, although they are all from the same team its silly to think SBR would have given their drivers a direct NOT to wear a balaclava, it would have been a drivers decision purely, and with that in mind I find it hard to believe that SBR were the only team in the event that did that, especially since the drivers and officials apparantly made a gentlemens agreement 2 years ago that they wont get penalised of they choose not to wear a balaclava, I think every team should ahve been investigated if the technology is there to do so, the issue seemed to be concerning insurance implications rather than the actual additional safety aspect of the balaclava. The helmets are fire resistant tot he same degree apparantly so in the drivers minds they dont give any extra protection only discomfort.


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Trouble is that is the rules. Not up to the driver/s to work it amongt themselves to wear them or not wearr them. CAMS should have investigated this better and its really their fault and the teams for letting them do it.

I can tell you its not a good feeling when you are on the receiving end in a coronial enquiry being grilled by the judge when he says "why didnt you as the organizer of the event enforce the rules?"

that's what would happen to the clerk of course should Ambrose been cooked in a fire in the car. OK it dint happen, but I have been the guy in the court taking the flak for the system and that's when you wish that the driver had obeyed the rule book... and your team of official had been doing their job rather than walking around trying to get autographs....

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At the end of the day, They got caught for not wearing safety gear. Ambrose  claimed he hadnt worn one for 2 years. The fact he hasnt been caught is an issue for the observers and the system.

The team would have known he didn't have it on. They are not completely stupid although to breach a safety regulation DESIGNED to help prevent burns in the even of a fire eludes me. Yes its hot but not as hot as a car on fire!

The system didnt find him out until yesterday. I have lost a LOT of respect for them over this. It was Marcus decision NOT to waer it . He knew what would happen if he got caught. I am so surprised to see that they have not given him a penalty over it. He certainly gave one to his team!

The fact that he claimed "Half the field" were not wearing one" cuts no mustard. Try that one next time your pulled over for speeding. " But they were speeding too officer! Sorry Marcus you got caught!

And guess what  -  if you had not have to come in then you might not have got centre punched by the kiwi.

If anyone thinks the kiwi did it on purpose then they are crazy. The chances of tagging someone at that point of the track and getting away with it are remote -

I have watched cheats in motorsport for 25 years. Some get away with murder but in the end they get caught out.


Sorry mate but that's a load of :tease:

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