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Headlight Turn On With Remote Unlock?


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  • 12" member
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has anyone been able to get this to work??

page 83 I think, it says turn the key from off to acc or whatever 17 times to enable this feature, but I cannot get this to work, I only succeed in setting the alarm off..

I even took it to Ford who hooked it up to their computer and they couldnt do it either??

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Nope...I can't get it to work either.

I cant remember who it was but someone said there was an error in the printing of the handbook on the issue of turning on and off the alarm chirps. The error was that instead of turning the key back to acc it had to go to off.

I tried both methods three times or so and still no joy. Just the alarm going ape.

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  • 12" member
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haha yeh I tried agaon on the weekend but no luck - the alarm seems to work though haha..

time to ask for a refund on the phoon!! j/k

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Same... no joy. I figured there was someone with a hidden camera pissing themselves laughing at me going wild-monkey on my ignition...

Also, I don't think it's the headlights... it's your indicators that illuminate solid until you open the door, a la Vision aftermarket car alarms.

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  • 12" member
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yeh mate, ive got the book here and it says word for word (I didnt get as far as the lights flashing for confirmation, just the alarm going off instead) ;

Exterior Illumination (factory set "OFF")

The indicator lights will turn "ON" when the system is disarmed to provide illumination around the vehicle.

The lights will turn off after 30 seconds or when a door is opened.

Exterior illumination can be turned "ON" or "OFF" using the following procedure;

Arm and disarm the system by pressing the lock and unlock buttons on the transmitter.

Within 20 seconds, turn the ignition switch from the "ACC" position to the "ON" position seventeen (17) times.

Leave the key in the "OFF" position after the seventeeenth turn.

Press the Unlock button on the keypad. The indicators will flash 17 times to confirm the selection has been changed.

Manual Override

In the event that the alarm is armed and the keypad becomes inoperative the following procedure will enable you to disarm the alarm:

Unlock the Drivers doors using the ignition key.

Using the ignition key quickly tuen the ignition switch from the "OFF" to "ACC" position 10 times.

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yeh mate, ive got the book here and it says word for word (I didnt get as far as the lights flashing for confirmation, just the alarm going off instead) ;

Exterior Illumination (factory set "OFF")

The indicator lights will turn "ON" when the system is disarmed to provide illumination around the vehicle.

The lights will turn off after 30 seconds or when a door is opened.

Exterior illumination can be turned "ON" or "OFF" using the following procedure;

Arm and disarm the system by pressing the lock and unlock buttons on the transmitter.

Within 20 seconds, turn the ignition switch from the "ACC" position to the "ON" position seventeen (17) times.

Leave the key in the "OFF" position after the seventeeenth turn.

Press the Unlock button on the keypad. The indicators will flash 17 times to confirm the selection has been changed.

Manual Override

In the event that the alarm is armed and the keypad becomes inoperative the following procedure will enable you to disarm the alarm:

Unlock the Drivers doors using the ignition key.

Using the ignition key quickly tuen the ignition switch from the "OFF" to "ACC" position 10 times.


This sounds like lies and I don't want to activate my alarm at 11:10pm hehe :P I'll give it a shot tomorrow but 17 times?!

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  • 12" member
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  • Location: Perth WA

hahaha I know, I had to reread it to make sure it says 17 times as well!!!!!

surely 5 or 10 times would have been enough to avoid any accidental setting changes !!

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