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Help! Whats Wrong With The Car?


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So what exactly happened Jetmir?

You tried starting your car whilst it was still in D? And thought you'd ask 5000 or so members of a Forum for their advice?

Just reminding........ :laughing::stirthepot:

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  • Faster than any BTA,XTC,Autotech, Nizpro and Tunehouse car
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So what exactly happened Jetmir?

You tried starting your car whilst it was still in D? And thought you'd ask 5000 or so members of a Forum for their advice?

Just reminding........ :nono:  :stirthepot:


How the fark can you do that :spit::laughing:

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  • Donating Members
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So what exactly happened Jetmir?

You tried starting your car whilst it was still in D? And thought you'd ask 5000 or so members of a Forum for their advice?

Just reminding........ :kissmy:  :spoton:

was cleaning the icc and put it in drive to get to the inner part at the top. forgot to put it back in park :pinch:

oh well a lesson was learned.. and what a way to learn it :spoton:

yeh I thought asking 5000 forum members for help was the right thing to do, giving the car was in an arkward position to leave at..

but sh!t happens :blush:

:kissmy: :kissmy: :kissmy:

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  • Moderating Team
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So what exactly happened Jetmir?

You tried starting your car whilst it was still in D? And thought you'd ask 5000 or so members of a Forum for their advice?

Just reminding........ :kissmy:  :spoton:


was cleaning the icc and put it in drive to get to the inner part at the top. forgot to put it back in park :kissmy:

oh well a lesson was learned.. and what a way to learn it :kissmy:

yeh I thought asking 5000 forum members for help was the right thing to do, giving the car was in an arkward position to leave at..


I honestly can't believe you have repeated the story again! Just to remind everyone in case they'd forgotten!

Dear o dear...... :pinch::spoton::kissmy:

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  • Donating Members
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So what exactly happened Jetmir?

You tried starting your car whilst it was still in D? And thought you'd ask 5000 or so members of a Forum for their advice?

Just reminding........ :kissmy: 

was cleaning the icc and put it in drive to get to the inner part at the top. forgot to put it back in park :kissmy:

oh well a lesson was learned.. and what a way to learn it :spoton:

yeh I thought asking 5000 forum members for help was the right thing to do, giving the car was in an arkward position to leave at..

I honestly can't believe you have repeated the story again! Just to remind everyone in case they'd forgotten!

Dear o dear...... :pinch::spoton:

Just saving readers from having to start from page 1 :kissmy:

Oh yeh, have u got any pics of the rear of your car? saw it at hpf with no spoiler but didnt take a proper look..

Now back on topic :kissmy:

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  • Poison Fish. Poison Fish. TASTY FISH!!!
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So what exactly happened Jetmir?

You tried starting your car whilst it was still in D? And thought you'd ask 5000 or so members of a Forum for their advice?

Just reminding........ :kissmy:

was cleaning the icc and put it in drive to get to the inner part at the top. forgot to put it back in park :kissmy:

oh well a lesson was learned.. and what a way to learn it :kissmy:

yeh I thought asking 5000 forum members for help was the right thing to do, giving the car was in an arkward position to leave at..

I honestly can't believe you have repeated the story again! Just to remind everyone in case they'd forgotten!

Dear o dear...... :blush::spoton:

Just saving readers from having to start from page 1 :pinch:

Oh yeh, have u got any pics of the rear of your car? saw it at hpf with no spoiler but didnt take a proper look..

Now back on topic :kissmy:

People, people, people! If we are going to discuss what occured, please use any of the corresponding pictures to accompany your post:

The Original:


The D-I-C-K Mod:


Fords Advisory:


BF Preview:


Thank You and Good night!

Lumpy :spoton:

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  • nutter
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can mods please close this thread?? ive had enough embaressment for one day  :kissmy:


No, but we can pin it on the Portal page if you like :spoton:


my new god! :kissmy:

and lumpy, such and ashole? nah, also a god :spoton:

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So what exactly happened Jetmir?

You tried starting your car whilst it was still in D? And thought you'd ask 5000 or so members of a Forum for their advice?

Just reminding........ :pooh:  :spoton:


was cleaning the icc and put it in drive to get to the inner part at the top. forgot to put it back in park :pooh:

oh well a lesson was learned.. and what a way to learn it :spoton:

yeh I thought asking 5000 forum members for help was the right thing to do, giving the car was in an arkward position to leave at..

but sh!t happens :blush:


Ummmmmmm, Jetmir????? I'm not too sure he really wanted you to repea....... I think the point about the 5000 foru....... Oh what the heck mate, you just go for it. I'm sure he was just trying to help. Sit back, put your feet up and tell us aallllllllllll about it again. :tease:

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